
I want to lose 10 lbs of fat fast!?

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I am 5' 6" and I weigh 127 lbs. That may sound like a normal weight but I have A LOT of excess fat on my stomach, butt, hips and thighs. No matter what I do I CANNOT lose ANY WEIGHT or fat. If anything my body fat just keeps increasing! I try to eat healthy and workout about 5 times EVERY WEEK... but I get NO RESULTS and it's driving me CRAZY! People tell my I look skinny but that's when I am wearing clothes and you can't see all the ugly fat underneath!

I just want to lose 10 lbs. of fat so that I look toner and I feel more comfortable in my own skin. And I would like to lose the weight and see results pretty fast! Any answers are appreciated greatly!

P.S. I would like to lose the weight naturally... without any diet pills or stuff like that... and I own TurboJam and Hip Hop Abs if you suggest that.


If you could give me a food plan that a picky eater can stick to... that would be even better!




  1. Meme, consult a registered dietitian or nutrition counselor for diet advice.  Without knowing your build-type or diet, I can only offer general tips such as:  lay off all alcohol, colas, sweet drinks, refined sugars (even sugar substitutes), starches and fried stuff.  This stuff all makes good belly fat because the body cannot properly metabolise it.  Use whole grain products like whole wheat bread (make sure it says 100% whole grain), brown rice, and whole grain pasta.  Incorporate plenty of vegetables (of the non-starchy variety) and fruits.  Eliminate all fats except some beans and nuts (use in moderation).  Drink PLENTY of water till your pee looks like water.  Water is very important for weight loss, not many people understand this.  Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber from your foods - whole grain oatmeal is great for this, just don't get that pre-packed instant garbage that's loaded with sugar.  Working your abs out?  That is ineffective for burning belly fat.  The best way is to eliminate fat from your diet.  Once you do this, you may actually see that you have a nice set of abs.  

  2. Start eating better by getting more fiber into your diet and drink more water (about 8 cups a day). D not dime out, eat at home and slow down , talk alot during the meal, that will give your brian more time to signal you that you arr no longer hungry. Eat you big meals in the morning or in the afternoon this will give more time to burn those calories. Keep dinner small with vegetables, maybe a salad, for more fiber but be sure to eat before 5 pm. This is because there is a big drop in you activity level after 5pm, unless you go to the gym after work. After you eat any meal go for a 30 minute walk this will stimulate the production of enzymes that will help break down your food  

  3. I don't know a whole lot about weight loss or things like that, but I have found that when i drink plenty of water throughout the day, and I mean PLENTY, I drop a few pounds within a week or so. It will also happen even more so if I've been drinking soda and energy drinks for a while and I stop. Other than that, I'd just say go heavy on the fruits and vegetables. They're tasty!

  4. To lose 1 pound of fat you must burn 3500 calories more than you intake.

    To help you... do a couple simple things:

    1. Keep a food journal. Seeing what you eat, helps you to control it.

    2. Drink 16 oz of water as soon as you wake up. (most of the calories your body burns in a day is from digestion... drinking water first thing in the morning starts that process immediately)

    3. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. (300-500 cal breakfast, 100-200 calorie snack, 400 cal lunch, 100-200 cal snack, 500 cal dinner, 100 cal snack) Total 1500-1900 daily.

    4. 30 min of cardio/day (walking = 300 cals, jog = 500 cals, run = 700 cals)

    5. If you lift weights, work larger muscle groups first (chest, back, ab, before arms, etc.)

    6. Measure your neck, waist, hips, arms (around bicept) and leg (around thigh). Remeasure weekly. (it is difficult to notice a decrease in size, and putting on muscle as you tone, may deceivingly cause you not to lose as fast as you want, but by measuring and remeasuring, you will see small but consistent change, thus energizing and motivating you to continue.)

    One of the most critical pieces to the weigh loss/fitness game is mental. Love yourself, embrace your appearance, and work on a strong sense of self confidence. Then put in the work and the body will respond.

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