
I want to lose 10lbs. I started running 3 weeks ago. I've only ran 1-2 times a week.?

by  |  earlier

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I sprint a lap, walk, sprint a lap, and then walk the last lap which makes all this a mile. Then I run up very high bleachers five times and then down five times. I'm wondering if I can lose 10lbs. in the next three weeks if I continue to do this. This there anything I can change on the track to achieve my goal. Oh and I do all this in about half-an-hour to forty-five minutes. I also only eat one meal because I don't get hungry after that, I also drink one glass of pepsi once a day but have like three water bottles as well.




  1. How about you jog 5 laps? Then walk 1 lap at the end.

    You can up the amount of laps once you've built up your stamina. 1-2 times a week isn't sufficient. Why not do it 3-4 times a week?

    Also, cut out the pepsi and eat more. Just because you're only having one meal doesn't mean you'll lose weight I mean, come on, look at that meal. It's full of junk. And being vegetarian is no excuse. Why not look up some recipes online?

    Do this and I'd say if you stick to it, you'd lose 10lbs in 1 1/2 months. You've got to stick to it though. Stop eating fast food and stop drinking pepsi. You need to have Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bring salad/fruit salad to school for your lunch if you can't think of anything. Or make yourself some tortilla wraps :)

    Hope this helps


  2. Yes that will work. If your only doing this 1 or 2 times a week you should add another 20 minutes or so. That's good that you changed your meals too, and just drink lots of water everyday.

  3. Your diet is quite unhealthy.  You should consult your doctor.

    You did not gain it in 3 weeks and probably won't lose it in 3.  It can be done, but in most cases not in a healthy way.

    Eat plenty  (regular portioned meals)of fruit and vegetables, grains, lean meats, and fish.  A starvation diet will make your body think you are starving and will cling on to every ounce of fat, and you will lose muscle.  That really defeats your purpose because muscle burns fat.

  4. I'm not sure about the specifics on your plan to lose ten pounds and how effective it will be, but I am concerned about the eating one meal per day.  If you are going to eat less food, it might be helpful to spread out consumption and improve its quality instead of having just one meal.  In other words, eat small amounts of food many times throughout the day, and make them healthy.  Make sure you are eating enough of a variety so as to ensure you get the nutrients you need and stay healthy.

    I don't know why you are trying to lose the weight but, in my opinion, actually being healthy is better than looking healthy.

  5. Weight gain or loss is determined by a simple formula. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Period. When you eat, when you exercise, fat content of food, etc. have nothing to do with weight gain or loss. Someone can eat chocolate cheesecake every night at midnight and go straight to bed and if they have burned more calories than they have consumed, they will lose weight. Also, remember, weight gain and loss are not really determined by the short term. If over the long term you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. Remember, if you burn 3500 calories more than you eat, that is only one pound lost. The reverse is also true...if you eat 3500 calories more than you burn, that is also only one pound gained. Just make sure that over the long term you burn more calories than you eat and you will lose weight. You can look at calorie counts for different foods (including many restaurants) as well as looking at how many calories different exercises burn by looking at this great website As you will see, some exercises burn more calories than others. By the way, you cannot spot-reduce....doing situps, crunches, etc will not make you lose weight in your abdomen. It will tone the muscles there but what matters most when it comes to losing weight is burning more calories than you eat, regardless of the exercise or what you eat. Another nice thing to do is write down everything you eat---i mean EVERYTHING. Then add it up at the end of the day. Make sure your exercise for that day has burned more calories than you ate and you will be well on your way.

  6. Run 30 minutes 3 times a week.

  7. NO MORE PEPSI FOR YOU!!!! ........even if it's just one per day. Even *diet soda is bad for you. (*even though diet soda contains few to zero calories, it puts fat on, due to the way it is processed and absorbed into the body).

    According to Dr. Mehmet Oz (renowned Neurosurgeon and nutritionist) Drinking Soda daily, WILL put weight on you.

    Keep up your exercises and STOP drinking Pepsi or any type of soda. You'll lose your 10 lbs ------I guarantee it!

    You CAN eat more than once per day, and you should! With all the running you do, you need protein for nutrition, and good carbs for energy.

    I'm curious as to what your daily meal consists of.

    Graze on carrot sticks, apples, bananas, blueberries, and walnuts in moderation. Eat salads made with dark greens and red lettuces. Use a small amount of Olive oil and red wine vinegar as your dressing (NO croutons!)

    Have some chicken and fish ......nothing deep fried. Lay off of the junk/fast food ---even if it's a breakfast food.


    Lemme' know how quickly you drop those 10 lbs after giving up soda.

    If you have access to a pool, swim several laps EVERY day.

    Best wishes and good health -

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