
I want to love myself again, and be more confident?

by  |  earlier

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how can you do that if you've been negative and had low self-esteem for almost 2 months now?




  1. Knowledge is power.  Learn to do at least one thing well & you will always have that, regardless of fads or fashions, but there's nothing wrong with pamering yourself a little in the meantime.

  2. Talk to different people(positive people) get into different activities that you like and just go by my motto it could be worse.If at times you feel bad that your hair isn't as pretty as other girls' or something like that think you could have no hair at all.There's always someone out there who would love to be you and have all the wonderful things you take for granted.

  3. Look in the mirror and tell you self "I am a atractive and pretty girl" each and everyday. It works very well.

  4. start dating

    pamper yourself

    new wardrobe

  5. Try having it for over 10 years.

    Time is a healer,you learn from all your experiences.

    Just be you and take things slowly.

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