
I want to major in Bussiness , but what are the types?

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I want to major in international bussiness but maybe thats not exactly what I should major in . I want to do bussiness to have a background knowledge of what goes on n the bussness world , I want to be liek representative that goes to places and presents ideas to the people . kinda of like what they do in some movies that involve it( sorry bad example) . or maybe thats not what thats called? sorry im only 16 so im kind of still figuring out what i want to do . i mean have an idea of what i want . I want to major in International Bussiness and minor in fashion merchandise so that way later maybe I can have my own bussness in fashion . if thats not right can someone please help me? thanks i appreciate it = ]




  1. Majoring in International Business is a good start and if you want to travel and do presentations then you should focus on Marketing, Sales, or Management.  If the fashion industry is specifically where you want to be then you should check with fashion colleges to learn the business side of the fashion industry.  Don’t waste your time minoring in fashion at a school that isn’t known for its fashion program.

    But you don’t have to wait until college to get started.  You can begin gathering knowledge by reading business magazines and newspapers like: Business Week or Wall St. Journal.   These publications and others can be found at your local public library or you can get them delivered to your home at a special subscription price if you’re a student.  Also do a google search on your favorite designer or fashion brand name and learn everything you can about them and how they do what they do.

    Finally, practice and improve your writing skills.  Misspelled words, poor grammar, and incorrect punctuation are quite embarrassing in the business world.  The best way to improve your writing skill is to read well written material and then write papers to be reviewed by educated people.  Remember, making a great first impression is one key to your success.  Don’t blow your chances and get off to a bad start.

    Good luck!

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