
I want to make Varsity my Freshman Year?

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ok.....i'm from a small town and there are freshman who are on varsity on their freshman year, and i want to make varsity for cheerleading my freshman year. which is next does anyone have any suggestions on how to train and get better and more flexible by next year. also what do you need to know about cheerleading to make varsity. i know in my school we have to dance to try out and my cousin is going to help me because she's been on varsity for 2 years, but i still want others opinoins. thanks if you can help me any.........also if you have any idea on how to choose between volleyball and cheerleading i would really like them. i love both of them, but i just cant choose. I really need help!!!!!!!!




  1. im sorry but i think cheerleading is ovverated and you should go with volleyball the only thing to do is just practice and play club :]]


    sorry, I am not a cheerleader, I am a volleyball player! And I personally would pick volleyball, I think it is better than cheerleading! Trust me, I go to a smaller school too, and our cheerleaders are a joke, everyone makes fun of them, but it might be differant at your school...

    but I say, go with VOLLEYBALL! :]

  3. Well you better start practicing and streatching to get more flexible.  Also ask you cousin if freashmen normally make varsity or if they were just put there because not enough girls tryout.  I know at my school freshman are not allowed on the Varsity squad and are only allowed on JV if there arn't enough girls tryng out.

  4. Cheer leading? No offense but standing out in the cold rain cheering on football players sounds like NO fun to me. Go with volleyball, you'll be in better shape and it will be more competitive. Rather than hoping the team is going to win, in volleyball you can make it happen! SO much funner! I made varsity my fresh. year. Don't be intimidated by upperclassmen, and when your running the mile RUN IT IN UNDER 8 MINUTES otherwise the coaches will think your an "out-of-shape-i-don't-want-to-be-here-en...

  5. well I've been playing volleyball since i was lil n ive been a cheerleader as well but i  def think that volleyball is better cause u can get a scholarship 2..=)

    well if u wanna get better at volleyball wat i us2 do if i didn't have someone 2 play wit i would hit the ball against the can help u with ur serving alot any just makes u move more cause the ball bounce rite back at u fast ....n u should 2 this for at leat 2-3 hours every day...

  6. I go to a 4A school, so it may be different... but at our school we have seperate fall and winter teams. If you're having a hard time deciding, just play volleyball during the fall and cheer during the winter season.

    If that's not the case... do volleyball. It's actually a sport... I mean you can't really be made fun of for playing it, whereas with cheerleading you can be ridiculed for being prissy. Either way, you should do what YOU want to do and not care what others think about you. Personally I chose volleyball and I love it!

    I got more flexible just by stretching for 5 min every morning for 2 weeks. Seriously it works ; ] !

  7. Well sometimes you have to settle for less than the best... GOOD LUCK!!!

  8. yea, uhm practice, but there is about a98% chance you wont make varisty ur first year... its hard... you have to be perfect with everything you do... dont get your hopes up.

  9. I Would Choose Volleyball. I Don't Know How It Is In Your School. I Go To A 5A School So Tryouts Are TOUGH. But Choose Volleyball And PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE Because If You Get On Varsity They'll Be Expecting More From You Since You Are A Freshman.

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