
I want to make a Paver bench?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well Im thinking of making a patio with pavers and all and am very educated with that. But how can i make a bench of the same pavers ontop of the patio? Do i use cemente, mortar, grout, or what! and what do i use as the top of the bench, stone slabs? Please answer detailedly and it would help if you had some other links of websites too. THANKS!




  1. Well if I'm understanding the question.

    We do Tile, And when we want to add a bench seat in a stand up shower we use cinder blocks, chicken wire, thin set.

    and you would grout between the stones and also set them w/ thin set. The thinset is used to do 2 things set the stone/tile and to build up (float) the chicken wire to the blocks.

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