
I want to make a board game for girls/boys.?

by  |  earlier

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I've decided for the boys one to like snakes and ladders - rockets and meteoroids.

The girls, I'm blank - i was thinking hearts and .......

Any help - links to sites for simple boards games for boys and girls would be great

- ideas




  1. i remember in school one of my teachers would always play this game kinda like scattegories...everyone wrote all 26 letters vertically on a piece of paper and then he would say a topic like..."boys names" and everyone wrote one  boys name for each letter (adam, brian, chad) then the person with the most won! I liked that game

    but you could choose topics like fruits, games, toys, stores, etc...

    that is pretty simple..but you said board game so im not sure if that helps or not but good luck!


  2. The best board games tend to appeal to both genders.  There's no reason a game needs to be different for boys and girls.

    Check out and try looking up games like:

    Settlers of Catan

    Ticket to Ride




    To see a bunch of fantastic games that don't try to be 'themed' to only one gender.

    Instead of trying to reinforce pointless gender boundaries, why not help break them down?

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