
I want to make a difference In Haiti?

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I'm from this Beautiful country called Haiti although my country has been going through tough times for decades i want to help, I want to make a difference how ever I'm not sure where to start. Please give me some Ideas of what i can do to help. I really want to concentrate on helping the children because they are the future of this beautiful country and also keep in mind I'm 19 years old and living in Canada. (please tell me what can a 19 year old do to help the country where she was born)

Thanx for you time




  1. Raise awareness in Canada about the brutal occupation Canada is carrying out in Haiti under the guise of the UN.  Union leaders have been killed, cities sealed off while CIA sponsored mobs run riot, and the democratic process completely ignored while education and food budgets are cut... All with the help of Canadian troops.  The situation is so bad that the head of the UN troops there, a Brazillian committed suicide over what happened, and a further on resigned. Haitians are also literally eating dirt - reported in the Canadian media - to stave off hunger pains.

    Read up carefully on what is happening, and what has happened, and then start badgering you MPs and newspapers to get Canadian troops out of Haiti.

  2. You are so young to go back and make difference there. my advice is to study hard and be successful here in Canada and have good career and then enough money .. so you can go and build schools there .. don't give money to people .. this wont help. Help them by building schools or paying the tuition for young student to come to Canada and get a degree here on one condition .. they have to promise you to go back to Haiti to apply what they learn here in their country..

  3. Move back there and do charity work

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