
I want to make a difference!!!?

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Hi! happy new year everybody!!!! I am jan a 24 year old filipino guy working overseas to help my family in the philippines.. I'm working here in Lao PDR its a country next to thailand and I am assigned in a remote location... My question is How can I make a difference here? I wanted to help the local people in the villages... can i do foundation? donations maybe? any suggestions?




  1. Just be in snyc with your inner spirit, and see life as an opportunity to experience the highest potential of your self. With every challenge, you can see an opportunity to be in the moment the very best you can be. In just being, people will be attracted to you, you don't have do anything, fix anyone, or try to make a simply will. By your presence, by your smile, a word, a kindness, you will elevate the consciousness level of all those around you and inspire them to be the best and live in the moment. By BEING you are the difference the world is seeking.

  2. Ask the local people what THEY want and need. Talk to a wide range of people -- community elders, women (of all ages), people with disabilities and youth. Observe them and their lives, and look for the challenges they face, big and small. With all the information you have collected, look for a project in which the local people can participate and OWN the project -- they don't necessarily want someone from the outside directing the activity, and they certainly won't want to be left out of the process entirely. The developing world is littered with projects started by outsiders, that were abandoned once those outsiders left, because the local people felt no sense of ownership of such.

    Do they need better access to clean water? Do they need a doctor to visit once a month and a place for that doctor to work? Do they need information  about HIV/AIDS? Do people need training in better farming or ranching techniques? Whatever you want to propose, make sure the local people are involved in creating this proposal, that it is THEIRS, not yours.

    Once you identify a project together with a community, contact existing NGOs, or local offices of International NGOs, such as Save the Children, OxFam, CARE International, etc., and local UN agency offices (UNDP, UNICEF, UNIFEM,etc.) and see what work they might be doing in the area and if they can help support the initiative you have helped develop.

    Only after you have done ALL the above should you even think about starting a foundation and soliciting donations.

  3. Hey jan, I don't know how things are in Lao PDR.  I do know that God is a decisive factor in all life and that if we submit or heads, hearts and bodies to his service it will be the best for us. Jesus said it wouldn't be easy but the reward is so great it is what I like to call (slam !) .  Because God's son did have his hands and feet slammed onto a cross so that we might have a salvational life and have it more abundatly.  Keep your good heart , pray for guideness and direct words to make a difference. In time you shall acheive what you need to and help those around you.

  4. You can partner with the U.S. organization The Pencil Project. They may be able to donate pencils which would help the kids there get their education.

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