
I want to make a fresh tomato salad. How do I keep it from getting soggy and watery at the end of the day?

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It always seems to happen.... I just use olive oil and vinegar (and seasonings). Is there anything I can add to keep it from getting too watery, and stay looking fresh?




  1. As with any salad, you never dress it until you are ready to serve it. The acid in the vinegar reacts with the tomato and begins to break it down, salt draws the moisture out of foods. You can set your salad up and wait until the final moment to dress it or let everyone dress it individually.  

  2. I use grape tomatoes.  They don't have much juice and they hold up very well.

  3. Don't make it until the end of the day.  If you absolutey must make it now and store it, do not add salt until you are ready to serve it.

  4. Cut everything and store in separate containers.  Mix all together when needed.

  5. Don't put the tomato until you are ready to eat. Cover the tomato salad and put it in the fridge if you have already cut the tomato.

  6. After cutting the tomatoes, spread them on several layers of paper towels or a kitchen towel then sprinkle a little salt on them (careful not to over salt though). The salt will draw out some of the liquid and the towels will absorb the liquid.

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