
I want to make a webshow????

by  |  earlier

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what is a safe way to do that?? not a live one




  1. Most peopl host thiers on youtube or simialr vidoe site, google video, veoh, many others, though youtube is most popular

    all you would need is either a webcam, or a digitial camecorder.

    Windows movie maker for basic editing (is included on XP and vista) then uplaod the file to the web.

    Edit - Movie maker is free, it will be on the start menu if you look about.

    youtube is free to get an account.

    the only cost is for a camcorder or webcam.

  2. So you would like to start a webpage where people can buy stuff from you?

    Well first of all you have to find a good hosting company. Most of them offer free hosting service for some or even zero advertising.

    After that you should make the webpage. This is maybe the hardest part.

    You most know at least how to use HTML, PHP or ASP and a database server like SQL and I think you should also know about CSS.

    And I also higly recommend to use SSL because of the sensitive data like Name and Address of customers.

    Almost everything can be found here:

    After making your webpage you should upload it to your hosting providers server so others can browse it.

    After that you only have to maintain the site like make some bugfixes if needed.

    Or you can go to a company that makes webpages and request a webpage from them. :) This is the maybe easiest way but it is not so cheap I think.


  3. your going to need:


    -software for making website


    -editing software

    suggested: -- cheap "real" websites   -- "fake" free

    -microsoft frontpage (real site) --  freewebs has its own tools to make site

    -any camera

    -adobe after afects

    overall costing a nice sum of money (especially after effects-although you could use microsoft movie maker) but hey if you want it to look good you need to invest some cash. free webs or a "fake" website will always say "" or something of the sort. if you must though (ittll look bad) you can use movie maker (on all microsoft comps) and freewebs. so the only thing left is a camera -which you cant get for free-

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