
I want to make an exodia deck. what should i put in?

by Guest60764  |  earlier

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i have no idea what to use, but it sounds fun.




  1. put cards in that help you receive low level monster straight to your hand, also put exodia necross in just in case somebody uses card destruction

  2. id run spirit reaper and marshmallon to start with as a deffence card drawing power u can use card trader hand destruction jar of greed. messanger of peace /swords of revealing light should keep ur lifepoints safe. basiclly u should keep drawing power but also keep a deffensive till u got all five pieces in your hand ect. but if any of them get ditched be sure to run backup soldier is very handy also sangan hope this helped

  3. >exodia pieces

    >backup soldiers (in case a piece gets tossed)

    >swords of revealing light (stall for time)

    >sangan (obvious reasons)

    >pot of greed and other draw cards

    >different dimension capsule and cards to protect it in case the piece gets removed while inside the capsule

    >exodia necros+contact with exodia

    >painful choice

    >solemn wishes and other cards that give lifepoints to stall for time

    >big shield gardna, destiny hero defender, gear golem the moving fortress, and other high defense cards

    >pharoh's treasure

    >and any other cards you like

    Have fun!

  4. Monsters - 21 (3 Tribute, 18 Non-Sacrifice)

    Thunder Dragon

    Thunder Dragon

    Thunder Dragon

    Exodia the Forbidden One

    Right Arm of the Forbidden One

    Right Leg of the Forbidden One

    Left Arm of the Forbidden One

    Left Leg of the Forbidden One

    Giant Rat/Mystic Tomato

    Giant Rat/Mystic Tomato

    Exiled Force/Mystic Tomato

    Nimble Momonga

    Nimble Momonga

    Nimble Momonga

    Des Lacooda

    Des Lacooda

    Des Lacooda

    Emissary of the Afterlife

    Emissary of the Afterlife

    Emissary of the Afterlife


    Magic/Spells - 14

    Pot of Avarice

    Graceful Charity

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Monster Reincarnation

    Monster Reincarnation

    Upstart Goblin

    Upstart Goblin

    Level Limit - Area B

    Swords of Revealing Light

    Messenger of Peace

    Messenger of Peace

    Messenger of Peace

    Dark Factory of Mass Production

    Dark Factory of Mass Production

    Traps - 7

    Call of the Haunted

    Mirror Force

    Torrential Tribute

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Jar of Greed

    Jar of Greed

  5. exodia.

  6. A little bit or reality, a smidgen of real life, and who the *beep* cares about a stupid children's card game.

  7. My deck for a sample

    Monsters- 16

    All 5 Exodia Pieces



    Des Lacooda-2



    Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

    Spirit Reaper

    Golden Ladybug- 2

    Card Trooper



    Hand Destruction-3

    Card Destruction

    Magical Mallet-2

    Monster Reincarnation

    A Feather of the Phoenix


    Swords of Revealing Light

    Nightmare's Steelcage

    Level Limit- Area B

    Messenger of Peace

    Cold Wave-2

    Pot of Avarice

    Traps- 11


    Gravity Bind

    Threatening Roar

    Negate Attack

    Ordeal of a Traveler

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Jar of Greed- 2

    Reckless Greed-3

    Deck- 43

  8. well first get the five pieces of exodia right?

    Then try and obtain any spell cards which make you draw more cards thus giving you more of a chance in trying to get the exodia pieces.

    You can try getting pot of greed like 2 of them or graceful charity or other cards like dem.

    But make sure you have monster cards that will protect your life points.

  9. Lots of good defense cards to keep your hand safe and also lots of cards that allow you to either look through your deck or pick up cards.

  10. Ohhhhhh this is a tough one.  Ok......First off you want lots of drawing cards, ill start listing them:

    Jar of Greed

    Legacy of Yata-Garasu

    Dark World Dealing

    Hand Destruction

    Pot of Greed

    Upstart Goblin

    Graceful Charity

    Card Destruction

    Good Goblin HouseKeeping

    lol my bad, i forgot Painful Choice


    Makyura the Destructor

    Morphing Jar

    Cyber Jar

    Dark Factory of Mass Production

    ?The Shallow Grave?

    ?Dragged Down into the Grave?

    Book of Taiyou

    ?Exchange of the Spirit, for a back-up plan?

    ?Serial Spell?

    ?A Feather of the Phoenix?

    ?Thunder Dragon?

    ?-Means you don't really need it.

    Oh and also, this is a drawing deck.  You want to try and get Exodia in one of your first turns.  I have seen this work pretty well in the Tournament.

    O and 1 last thing, try and have multiples of each.

    ~~Happy Dueling, and Good Luck

  11. to make it easy just put in lots of cards that thatke cards from your deck to your hand or draw cards that way you'll somen exzodia real' fast!! :D

  12. Sorry dude but exodia cards are ultra rare. Its gonna cost you about 50-100 dollars to make one but if you have the money than but alot of exodia pieces in the deck and trap and spells that allow you to take cards out of your deck and put them into your hand also make about half of your monsters exodia cards and the other half non exodia cards.

  13. This the gayest question ever.

  14. I have answered a question just like this before. please search yahoo answers before posting your own question

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