
I want to make ethonal. i have a 2 gallon still and plan to up-size after i become proficent. i would like to

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have step by step directions, including quanities for all ingredients for a 2 gallon still.




  1. Try this link here

    But you may find it a very expensive and difficult exercise.  Ethanol doesn't make a lot of sense.  Biodiesel works a LOT better.

  2. Ah yes, using global warming as an excuse to make moonshine.

    Just watch out for the Revenuers.

  3. I'm sure your neighbors are real excited about the idea.

    I think you should go ahead and build it, though. It might give you some insight in why the whole concept is so economically unsound.

    I imagine after you've paid to transport and manufacture everything you'll learn the same thing the rest of the energy-makers know... that you have to have government subsidies to make it worthwhile.

  4. Unfortunately the use of a still to produce alcohol for any use is illegal. Unless you have a license. Not worth going to jail for 5 years to save a little on gas.

  5. Potatoes make lovely moonshine - oops, didn't say that!

  6. Things You'll Need


    Alpha amylase


    Grain mill





    Metal can


    Unleaded gasoline



    Step One

    Get a permit to legally produce ethanol from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. The permit is free if you are producing less than 10,000 gallons of alcohol annual.


    Step Two

    Use the conversion calculator on The Ethanol Source website to calculate the measurements for ingredients based on the size of your boiler. For a 100 gallon boiler, you will need 350 lb. of grain, 40 gallons of water, 91 grams of alpha amylase. This will yield 18.5 gallons of ethanol.


    Step Three

    Mill or pulverize the grain into a fine powder using a grain mill or hammer mill. Corn is the most popular choice, but soybeans, wheat and other grains work.


    Step Four

    Convert the mixture to liquid by adding water and enzyme alpha amylase. Boil for 20 to 30 minutes to kill bacteria. Remove from heat and add glucoamylase, another enzyme.


    Step Five

    Ferment the mixture by adding yeast. The result will be a beer or wine type fluid.


    Step Six

    Separate the alcohol from the liquid by running it through a still.


    Step Seven

    Filter the ethanol with carbon to remove any surplus volatile organic compounds. Attach a tube filled with carbon to a funnel and pour the ethanol into the funnel.


    Step Eight

    Dry the ethanol by mixing it with Zeolite, an aluminum-silica substance that absorbs carbon dioxide and water. Allow it to sit in a can overnight. Run the dehydrated ethanol through a screen into another container.


    Step Nine

    Add unleaded gasoline to the pure ethanol (15 percent gasoline to 85 percent ethanol) to make E85. Use a hydrometer to confirm your ethanol is 200 proof. Any excess water will be filtered out and settle to the bottom when the gasoline is added.

    Tips & Warnings

    Remove the water from the Zeolite by boiling it on the grill or leaving in the sun to dry.

    Check your owner's manual before running your E85 in your gas tank. It is only recommended for Flex Fuel Vehicles.

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