
I want to make falafel but there is no availability of canned or dried chickpeas. Also, I don't own a fryer.

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Does anyone have a recipe that uses dried green peas? Can I use a skillet to pan fry them as patties or is a large amount of oil needed to act as a fryer. Thanks guyes!




  1. don't need to use chick peas....try this recipe...

    grate raw cabbage and raw cauliflower, enough so you have about two good handfuls

    add salt, cummin powder, coriander powder and 5 spice to taste.....about a level tsp of each...not the salt!

    add plain wholemeal flour ...about 1 cup...and mix well...then add a small amount of water at a time until mixture forms balls when you shape in your hand...

    deep or shallow fry in a frypan in good oil or ghee....a few at a time....

    serve with natural yoghurt and fresh mint.....

    yummy.....once you have made a few times you will be anle to do it so quickly!!!!!!   very easy and tasty

  2. Just save up some money , because they are just like $100 dollars , keep trying you can do it , hopefully if you have a good job then you will get $100 quickly.

  3. You can but them in like woolowrths under the organic food section or a lebanese grocer, its only like $2

  4. Green pea falafel


    1 cup green peas

    1 cup finely chopped onion,

    1 cup chopped coriander leaves

    1/2 cup chopped mint leaves

    1/2 tsp garlic paste,

    Salt and Pepper to taste,

    1-2 tbsp cornflour for binding,

    Oil for frying.


    Coarsely grind green peas and then mix all the other ingredients except oil to form dough. Make small lemon size balls, flatten them and keep aside for frying. Heat oil for frying in a wok. Fry these falafel on a medium-low flame.

    Serve with sesame yogurt dip.

      (I always serve with hummus and pias instead of yogurt!)

    And yes, you can fry them in a skillet or dutch oven!

  5. they have the premade mix in the grocery store.. and use a frying pan

  6. You might be able to find a mix in your supermarket and bake the falafel!

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