
I want to make money but I'm under 15 ?

by  |  earlier

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I dont know what to do or how to make money, so i'd love to get ideas, and any tips you might have. Thank you!




  1. Babysit. Especially during the summer. Make sure that when you're babysitting you PLAY with the kids, don't just sit around and watch T.V. That's how you get referrals, and get your customers to call back.

  2. yup there's always babysitting..  if your neighbors have kids.

    Maybe you could work at Mcdonalds, and help clean tables. (I think they hire people at age 14!)

    you could also tutor young people, just ask your parents about it see what they could do. (tell them you're responsible and want to do some work).

  3. play the commodity market and see if you can get the price of oil down.  you'll be a billionaire overnight.

  4. Wash cars, mow lawns, babysit, deliver papers, walk dogs, etc.

  5. at publix they hire at age 14

    just go in and talk to the manager if that dosnt work out be creative bake brownies and sell them for $1 at school

    make bracelts or necalces and sell them as well

    thiers always babysitting as everyone else has said and dog walking/sitting

  6. Get a paper route with the local newspaper, bag boy at a grocery store, sweep floors at a mechanics shop, McDonalds, you have lots of options.  Make a resume, and apply at a few places

  7. Well you can Babysit, and I used to work at snack bars for youth sports, each month I made about, 500$

  8. What I use to do when I was in middle school was go to a store that sells name brand candy bars for really cheap and then sell them at school for $1 each. I would make 3x the amount of money I spent on candy bars. I would get my candy bars at 3 for $1 so I would buy like 90 candy bars at a time for $30 and then when I sell them all I would end up with a total of $90. Then the next time I would buy $60 worth of candy bars etc...

  9. I used to make so much money mowing lawns and washing neighbors cars, but I had friends with a special work permit they got that allowed them to get jobs for a few hours a week at places like ice cream shops.  They got a lot of money for tips.

  10. u can work around ur neighborhood, or do some housework for money. :)

  11. Babysit

  12. Mow some lawns, babysit, walk your neighbors dogs, theres alot of things you can do for money just ask around your neighborhood.

  13. try this1

    good luck

  14. When I was 15, I did yard work, babysitting, and I shoveled snow.I also did laudry.

    So take these examples.

    Shovel snow in the winter. You can do yard work like pulling weeds,raking,mowing lawns,etc. Babysitting is good income.

    You can do laundry for your relatives,friends,and neighbors.

    You can do maid work for your relatives,friends,and neighbors.Clean houses/apartments only of people you know.

  15. Do odd jobs for people. 16 really opens doors for ya.

  16. there are a lot of things you could depends on what you like...if you like kids u can babysit...if u like pets or animals post signs around your neighborhood that say u will walk their pets take care of them while they are gone, etc....and if u like baking u could have a bake sale, a lemonade stand, anythingg!!! if none of these things are what u like to do then please add what u like to do under the details...hope this helps though!!!

  17. With the help of your parents see if you can start selling things on E-BAY

  18. get a paper round, i did one when i was 13/14 good way to make a little money. not much else you can do really. some shops take young people on in summer holidays.

  19. so do i... give this person something other than babysitting and lawn mowing cuz i do that and you do not make much... frm it lik i wnt a job lik @ a shopping mart or ki or something o ya or @ SUBWAY!!! that wud b mi perfct job yes! we could uze jobs 2 we shouldnt leav the world to be run by people over 14!!! thx 4 th q! sorry m answer wuznt much help

  20. sell stuff on e-bay or something. how far under 15? some places will hire you. little small cafés or something. just go looking around and go in and ask if they are hiriing. Ask your parents, depending on their job. you could possibly work with them.

  21. When I was 15 I was babysitting during the summer and in the winter I shoveled snow and in the fall I raked leaves.

  22. babysitting, working around your house or your neighbors, cutting grass, Lemonade Stand

  23. BABYSITTING, also cleaning houses, dog walking!

  24. say to your parents that your gonna do all the chores and your gonna have an allowace every month just say to your parents

  25. sell ice cold lemonade on a busy street.

  26. considering the summer just arrived

    mow lawns

    if you have a little brother or sister, bring them too

    adults think theyre cute so they give you money

    ask family friends if they have any yard work or things you could do for a little money

  27. babysitting is always nice! I'm 13

  28. At that age, the best thing you could do is work around your house or babysit.

    The only other thing, IDK if they do this in your state, they do in CO is let you get a work permit.  It would allow you to work places where they usually hire 15 and 16 year olds.

    Good luck!

  29. okay their are plenty people dont copy off me okay thanks okay you can mow the lawns or babyysit wash cars make a buisnees for the neighborhod like rake wash carsd mow lawns and do their gardning or waash dogs walk them or do you  mom and dads chores be creative okay!!!

  30. My boys started a lawn service when they were about your age. Babysitting is good $, but you have to like kids or it will be a long summer.

    Some grocery stores hire 15 yr olds. Do some checking in your area.

    Good for you for wanting to work! Alot of kids just expect their parents to give, give, give.

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