
I want to make my own website..but have some question?

by  |  earlier

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Alright ill just list them haha. Theres not really that many just 2 i think:

1: Where can I find a site that will allow me to make a .com or a .org. You know? I dont want like www.(whatever site)/my jus want "". Where can I do that?

2: if possible if their a site that is free. They wont charge me after I make it or before...If possible if not...just give me the best you have please..=D

Ok i lied one more haha

3: Can the place where I make the site like steal my site from me? Or once I make it, is it mine like permenently?




  1. There are domains, subdomains, and folders withing a site. Just so everything is clear this url: is composed of:

    1. answers. <<a subdomain

    2. <<the domain name

    3. /question <<a folder of the site

    Some sites offer a subdomain of their site, normally so that the site editor (i.e. you or me) will market their website. You see this many times with MLM or network marketing.

    Answers to your questions:

    You want your own domain. There are a variety of services that allow you to purchase "" (or .net, org, biz, info, us, etc etc) and manage one or thousands of domain names. I use Godaddy, they have always been good to me.

    You can purchase a domain name for about $10/year. You can purchase the domain name many years in advance if you want.

    There are no free ways that I know of (I strongly doubt there are too) to own a domain name without purchasing it. Once you purchase your domain it is yours.

    If you have your own domain it can be stolen or hijacked. Keep your passwords safe. If you have a subdomain you are not the owner of the site, only an editor of a subdomain.

    Hope that helps

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