
I want to make my tank look really preatty.Please help!!?

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i have 29 gallon tank and i want to get 2 angelfish OR 2 fantail goldfish which species is better .

If i get 2 angelfish , what other fish can i add??




  1. It really depends on what you like better and the amount of time and money you'll put into it. If you want a pretty, easy to care for fish, then go with goldfish because you don't need to buy a heater, special medicine, ect. But if you have the time and money, then I would definatly buy the angelfish. They are tropical fish, and goldfish are coldwater fish. If you want to get angelfish, you could put livebearers in, small tetras, danios, cory catfish, for a gentle community tank; for a cichlid tank(angels are cichlids) you could add jack dempsy's, rams, ect. Just don't add barbs because they nip at long finned fish. Hope this helped a bit!

  2. If your tank is taller, go with the angelfish.  But they are semi-aggressive and often don't get along well with many other fish.  Some fish are exceptions, but watch out for fin-nippers and stress behavior.

    I admit am partial to the fancy goldfish breeds.  They are hardy, beautiful as adults, and can be quite long-lived.

    With either type of fish, cycle the tank carefully and keep an eye on the water levels- both types have specific needs.

    Good luck with your new fish!

  3. Angelfish is definantly better because its tropical water cichlids, you will not need cold water and they do not die as easily as goldfishes. You may also add fishes smaller than 6 inches that are not aggressive toward other species, such as dwarf cichlids, but if you get goldfish, it cannot be mixed with other than goldfishes because most fishes are not coldwater fish and they are easily to get fin niped.

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