
I want to make my yz85 into a really fast race bike where do I start?

by  |  earlier

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what after market parts do I need and where can I get them installed?




  1. Full Pro Circuit race exhaust (pipe and exhaust), V-Force reeds, racing fuel (higher octane), MC1 oil runs cleaner, not much you can really do to the engine itself because you'll be disqualified if it's over 85cc's.  You can have all that installed at your local dealer.

  2. if you have alot of money to spend put an aftermarket exhaust on it a good air filter like twin air would help a renthal sproket also is a decent thing to add. Ive never used vforce reeds but i have heard good info on them. but if u dont have the money to put everything on put money toward alot of practice at a local track because even the best parts dont always make the rider faster.

  3. My last bike was a yz 85 so I know what to put on, 1st of put a whole new exsust, 2nd you can have Vforce, 3rd smaller or bigger sprocket depending if want low end or top end, and that should make it alot faster theres other small things you can put on it.

  4. DUDE.

    Forget it, upgrade to the 125.

    If you [ need ] the faster parts, your team Crew Chief will pay for them.

    I answer his as, as a racing question. If you do do not have a team ......... then post this else where.

  5. Air filter, carb jetting, race exhaust, if it has a fuel filter fit a race one or lose it altogether, hotter spark plug, lightened fly wheels piston and con rod, have the carb and ports gas flowed, all this will mean your engine is running alot faster so you'll need to r****d the ignition timing slightly to get optimum speed,

    You can probably get a NOS system for it too but use these with caution as it puts alot of strain and heat on engine parts!

    All these can usually be found on e-bay!

  6. ive upgraded mine and i started off with a new pipe

  7. Hi nate  .... you should check out ..there is some guys on there who are really knowledgeable on this subject...they know what they are talking about and wont steer you wrong.....Jas and moto_smart advice is on the money ...  ....Wiggysan...err...not sure what the heck kind of advice he was trying to give..other than trying to be a smartazz and rude.. ..seems he thinks people start out racing on the top with teems and crew chief....I don't profess to know a lot about this sport but I do know a little and it is quite stupid to suggest a bigger bike to someone when he doesn't know the age,size or experience of the rider....

    try looking up will find the site has a lot of info and people willing to share information...if my husband (teem crew chief to wiggysan ) was home and not at the track right now ..I might be able to give you more advice....I am just the sponsor

    best of luck to you in the 85 jr/sr ,supermini's ,schoolboy, or whatever you race......

    by the way Wiggysan...I have seen many kids on 85 blow guys on 125's out of the's not only about bike has a lot to do with the rider......if you know racing than you should know this.....

  8. I would start with an after market air filter, a pipe don't forget to re-jet the carb if you put an after market pipe on. Start there before you think about a bore kit.

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