
I want to make pictures smaller so they can be emailed and not take up so much memory. How do I do that?

by  |  earlier

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They have to be between 50-100kb




  1. You will need photo editing software to lower the resolution. It can be done with Paint which is included free with the system. Just go to image/resize and make them smaller. Be sure to save under a new name. You can't undo a size change without losing quality.

    There may be special programs that will do an entire folder for you. I am sure someone will point you in that direction.

    NOTE: If you are using what is defined as the "default email program" you can right click on a photo, send to email recipient, and it will ask if you want it resized. You can select more than one at the same time.


  2. <<go to that site and download Microsoft image resizing program...It's a very small download and,easy to use

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