
I want to make this friend...?

by Guest33177  |  earlier

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ok so there's this girl who joined my school her name is katie. we know each other vaguely, but I really want to get to know her and become friends. There's another one called Janet who i don't know but want to be friends with. They've been taken in by the 'popular group' which means they already have a friendship group. The people there hold janet and katie tight. How do I break through and make friends. Katie is in one of my classes, and janet is in two.




  1. Well i move around a lot and that happens to me every time i move.

    the "populars" always take me in but i dont really like people like that u know when u move u take the friends u can get.

    i liked it when people just came up to me and started talking when i was sitting alone. all depends on the person that they are if they are really friendly like myself it will work but if they are set on being "popular" and such.

    i would take it slow and maybe try to help them in class with something of even be their lable partner.

    i know when i moved this last time i met one of my best friends in choir cause i was her folder partner.

    like i said it always nice to have someone to talk to when u are alone in a new school.

  2. well i don't live in america but in my school we are all great friends to each other and i think it should be like this every where

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