
I want to march in the Anzac Parade tomorrow?

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My grand father served in the US Navy during WWII. How can my son and I join the Anzac Parade to march with the US NAvy tomorrow in Sydney. Who could I contact? Or do we just turn up and join in




  1. Come early at the starting point of the parade and you can make arrangements thereat.

  2. this I do know the brittish form up at king street but if you ring the US rsl now you would find out where the us form up to march you just go along and find the united states platoons and im sure they would welcome you,my son has smaller medals to wear with my Dad but dad has pins and plate in his fema from falling on my daughter so he cannot march and when I said go in a wheelchair omg he was offended as para's and the red berets a still world renowned as front line men and hard as your granfather would have been

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