
I want to marry my boyfriend of 3 months. Do you think that is too soon?

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I want to marry my boyfriend of 3 months. Do you think that is too soon?




  1. Honestly yes. I know they say...why not your in love go do it. There are other things to think about like money, careers, etc. My sister got engaged after 2 weeks and the family is in turmoil. The guy is a loser and they can barely afford their rent. It was the first time she moved out.

    I'm not saying your guy is a loser AT ALL! I just think it takes time to get to know someone and there quirks. What works for you and what doesn't. We waited until I graduated college and started my career. Now he is getting a business up and going and once we know we are stable we will be ready.

    You don't REALLY know a person until after 6 months. Then you get to know them on a deeper level which is fun, exciting, and scary at the same time.

  2. My hubby and I dated for a month before we got engaged, however we had known each other and been friends for over a year before we started dating.  We were engaged for 5 months, and we've been happily married for over 20 years.  

    BUT...I think if you're having to ask a bunch of strangers on the internet if WE think it's too soon, then it's too soon.  In my situation, I was sure, and I didn't have to ask anyone, I didn't care what anyone thought, I knew I had made the right decision, and the heck with everyone else.  

    Marriage is a very serious step, and it's not one you can back out of easily.  I wouldn't make that step until you're 100% rock sure that this is the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with.  If it's right today, it will continue to be right in 6 months.

  3. yes i personally suggest within 6 months to a year.. getting married is something serious and its something that you need to think about and something that you need to take serious. But whatever, you decide i wish you the best of luck.

  4. it is too soon. I dated my husband for a year and a half before hr proposed and waited two years to get married (because of the fact his mom was terminally ill and needed around the clock care). if he loves you and you love him it will happen.

  5. I think that it is whatever you feel in your heart ( no lie!) pray about it.... But an example, my parents got married after knowing each other for 3 weeks, and they are still happily married after 26 ( or maybe 27 i can't remember) years....

  6. You should date at least 6 months before getting engaged. It takes at least 6 months to plan a wedding. That's a year foro both. Good luck.

  7. No it's not too soon, Good Luck!

  8. You should give it some time. Marriage is a HUGE commitment. If you love eachother as much as you do, than it can wait. In the mean time you guys can wear promise rings. In a way your still showing your love belongs to only one person to everyone you meet.

  9. Yes, it is too soon.  You should wait at least a year so that you have enough to time to get to know the person so that when you do get married there aren't any surprises.

  10. Yes. Just because you know you want to marry him, doesn't mean you should right now. Besides, does he feel the same way? No good can come out of rushing things. Have a little patience and things will turn out quite nicely.

  11. Just a smidge.

  12. Has he asked you? Isn't that a bit soon?

  13. yea your crazy

  14. Yes!! wait a year and if you still want to marry him you could hint at it or even propose to him. After only three months you still are in the fascination phase. My first wedding was too soon, please take it from someone who has been there.

  15. Simple answer:  YES!

    You need to be dating someone for AT LEAST one year... ideally, more than three.

  16. Way too soon . . get to know him better because a marriage is suppose to be for "life" and "for better or for worse". Probabilities are that you don't even know the "worse" in him or he with you. . . . take it easy, date get to know each other.

    No reason to rush down the aisle so fast!!!!

  17. If you have to ask strangers on the internet whether or not you should do something, then you aren't really ready to do it.

  18. Obviously it depends on the situation.  One of my closest friends got engaged when she had been dating the guy for 3 months.  They waited about a year and a half to get married after the engagement and are completely in love!  They are the best couple I know and are truly happy.  I think it's okay to get engaged but you definitely need some time to learn more about each other and plan the wedding.  Hope this helps ;)

  19. I would wait and get to know him longer.

    Trust me, at 3 months, there are probably some skeletons in his close that you don't know yet...and vise versa.

    I wanted to marry my boyfriend after 6 months and found out he was a real a*****e and not the one for me.

    So, wait. Love is patient.

  20. Yes it's too soon!

    Give a few more months to a year then you'll know what your getting yourself into, or should I say who your getting yourself involve with for a life term mission

  21. yes, wait longer and know more him .

  22. when you know you know...however if you don't both know then yes it is too early! my "almost husband" and I were only an official couple for about 3 months when we decided to get married but he waited 3 more months to actually propose and we are having the wedding next week (14 months after I got the ring) and we went on unofficial dates about once a week for an entire year before that (we both dated other people off and on too in there) and had known each other since elementary school as he is best friends with my older brother. however when I look back over everyone I dated they all seemed good at the 3 month mark but not so much at a year. I joke that the way I knew Nick was the one was because I could live with him and I still liked him (I don't like to live with anyone) I don't mind doing his dishes or washing his clothes or walking the dog at 2 am because he hast o get up early for work! here we are and I still like to come home to him and be here when he gets home not to mention the sheer bliss when he doesn't have to work and I don't have class and we can wake up together! I say wait unless he has actually proposed but true love is so strong and hits so fast that if you both are ready go ahead and make the move but take the planing part slow maby wait a couple of months to announce like we did it will help you make sure you are doing the right thing.

  23. Do you feel comfortable with his plans for the future?

    Does he treat other people with respect?

    What type of baggage does he carry from his family and past relationships?

    Does he have similiar religious beliefs as you? If not, are one or both of you willing to change?

    How does he communicate? Can the two of you work through difficulties? Have you seen him angry? How did he react?

    What does he think about inlaws and extended family? Is family important to him? To you?

    What are his family traditions? Will he be willing to participate in your family events or will he want to stay at home and make you go by yourself?

    Does he think the woman should have to work, or does he want his wife to stay at home and raise children? Do you agree?

    Does he see problems as obstacles, and not work to find answers? Or does he seem problems as detours and works to find solutions that are for the best for his family?

    Does he have a good work ethic, or is he just "hot?"

    Does he respect your opinion, or think he's the one with the best ideas?

    What are things that worry him?

    What are his favorite things to do in his spare time?

    What are his big dreams for the future?

    Are there any regrets in his life?

    Do you feel comfortable taking his advice?

    Does he major on minors instead of the important things in life? (i.e. does he get mad if the toilet paper is put on the roll reverse of how his mother always did it?)

    Does he feel like it's okay to hang out with the guys all the time? How to you feel about it?

    Is it okay for you to keep in close touch with family and friends?

    Does he have anger control problems? (How do you know for sure? Have you made him so mad that he wants to hurt you? It will happen eventually.)

    Is he willing to change to work with you as a couple?

    Do you trust him?

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