
I want to marry my turkish boyfriend what documents do we need?

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I want to marry my turkish boyfriend what documents do we need?




  1. any documents about Mohamed will help= the Koran or the bible? well =Mohamed married a girl in todays more mature society would have been around 6-7 years old. He rejected salvation in Jesus and said an angel told him to marry a little girl Aisha who was 9 years old when he married her and told his other wives that she was his best wife!!!

    today they go to prison for this-yet while Sunni Muslims are blowing up their competitors mosques and killing their imans for over 2 years back and forth -they either come to Jesus and learn to love their enemies or else defend Mohamed and blindly say they are right.

    I was taught to reject the New Testament as being corrupt till I saw I was the one that was corupt -one lie makes you a sinner-and as Jesus says "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to heaven but by me." John 14 verse 6

    well are the Muslims right is it a good thing for a 40 year old man to marry your sister when she would be 9 years old-and in todays society around6-7 in maturity?

    Isaiah predicted and proof the bible is not corrupt for the first verse Jewish people would take out is this

    "Unto us a child is born a son is given, and he will be almighty God, and the prince of peace." Isaiah 9:6 predicted 700 bce

    the prayer that does save is -"Show me the truth please" amen

    I then prayed "Jesus thanks for the truth and that your words will never pass away, I am sorry I listened to lies about you, I am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and help me be my friend, amen.

    Jesus the Messiah promised "I love you, and knock on your HEART DOOR TO COME IN DELIVER FROM SIN AND BE YOUR FRIEND, WHEN YOU ASK ME IN." REVELATION 1:1 AND CHAPTER 3 VERSES 19&20

    LAST CHAPTER OF REVELATION JESUS SAYS IF YOU ADD TO MY WORD YOU WILL HAVE PLAGUES=the Talmud Jewish writings that say Jesus was an iligitimate child, the Koran that says Jesus is the Messiah and the only one without sin, but that he didnt die to forgive us as Isaiah predicted chapter 52:13-53:12 Isaiah

    the answer is yes or no-canibals once ate people-they said it was right-but was it??? would you be happy for a 40 year old to marry your sister of 9 years old???? in todays society she would be about 6 or 7 years old- YES OR NO PLEASE, THANKS

    DO YOU REJECT THE HADITH AS one used to defend child molestation and saying Mohamad did nothing wrong. and here-saying that that book does state that she was 9 years old

    I pick the bible and salvation but you get to chose too

  2. turkish ppl smell, y wud u wanna marry one! idiot!!

  3. You especially need a good tractor license, preferably a John Deer or DAF, and license to operate a plough.

  4. David I is an *** who just wants to spread his racist poison to others. Actually you should flag his answer.

    To marry her in the U.S. you need the same documents that anyone normally would. Personal identification, marriage license, and possible his I-9 for reference. I am married to a man from West Africa and we didn't need anything different than usual. We were also going through the immigration process. It was long and tedious but well worth it.

    My husband is Muslim. We got married the traditional Muslim way in our home and also by a justice of the peace. I am Baptist and there is no way we could have married in the church because... we have differing belief systems. You can make this work, Honeychild! Call the Courthouse to get all your information together. It is better to be safe than sorry!

    By the way..... Don't forget the rings! Good luck and great fortune!

  5. How sad that people show themselves up by making such judgemental comments.

    You haven't said your nationality or where you're marrying, but I will advise as to what UK citizens need for marrying in Turkey -

    You will both need ID - for you that can be your passport, for him his kimlik (ID card)

    You also need your original birth certificate

    If either of you are divorced, you will need the decree absolute

    You will also need a 'certificate of non impediment', whether you've been married before or not.  You can get that by applying to your local registry office (costs about £40) - if you don't get one of these, you can only marry if you've been resident in Turkey for the previous 21 days

    You will need to get your English documents translated for when you register your marriage at the belediye (council), so budget for this.

    you will also need to both get blood tests done at a local hospital, to test for hereditary genetic diseases.  You take the results with you when you book your date, so that's another thing that needs to be done beforehand.

    There's quite a lot of running round to do before booking the wedding, so give yourself plenty of time.  You may need a week or more just to register it, and obviously you don't know when their next date is going to be - so if you have a date in mind, you might be wise to do all this well in advance of the trip that you'll make to actually get married.

    Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage.

  6. Not another one.........PLEASE, PLEASE marry your boyfriend in Turkey...tell him you want to stay there with him....

    What's the odds on ....YOUR DUMPED

  7. are you stupid or what, your an idiot, if you want to marry the dog stay there with IT, its not a human you want to marry its an animal, sorry to the animals of the world, I appologise IT, the Turk is worse, go to a doctor and check your head out, also get a HIV test, better still go there and live with it, DONT BRING IT to the UK, keep IT where IT is for all our sakes.

  8. I am appalled by these answers.

  9. As a Turkish girl, I can say that you're pretty welcome here. I don't know where you two want to stay but about Turkey, I can give you the link of turkish embassy in London.

    I hope it helps, good luck with your boyfriend :)

  10. What country are you in right now? Is he in the same country?  If UK - what is his status?

  11. you dont need any just get your self there and stay

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