
I want to meet her again and i need help finding how!?

by  |  earlier

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i know her name, first and last, age, appearance, and the city she lives in. but i forgot to get her #, email, etc. she most likely won't look for me, and neither of us are dumb enough to use our real names on the internet.

i take things very seriously when i ask: how can i meet with her one more time?




  1. I have found tons of people in facebook go there first. If that does not work put an ad on, it's free and perhaps if she doesn't answer you maybe someone knows her and will tell her that someone is looking for her.

  2. look her up on myspace or facebook! people usually use their real names and just set their page to private but you can still see her main photo find her and friend request her. get in contact that way

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