
I want to move into an apartment with my two cousins. But my parents won't let me. What should i do?

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I have two cousins who really want me to move into an apartment with them. I am ready to move out from home, and am also wanting an apartment. I have a very good reputation with my parents. They are scared to see me leave home and telling me how to live. I want to take up my cousins offer. I think my cousins are pretty cool, but neither have jobs. both are getting jobs soon. They are kinda immature, they love to party, as do I though. They spend their money easily. My parents are concerned that they might not always be able to come up with the rent money. They feel as though if something happens hard feelings could last forever among the family. They don't want me to lose my friendship with my cousins. I agree with my parents to some extent, but I really would love to live with my cousins. My cousins will be angry if I turn down their offer, but my parents would be angry if I lived with them. What Should I do?




  1. after reading your question its clearly that you have pointed out the major issues why your parents don't want you to move into an apartment with your two cousin. if your cousin turn their backs on you then you should see what your cousin's are all about.

    Listen, what are you going to do when your two cousin fail to come up with their part of the rent? or they move back home and leave you stuck with the bills? then how would you feel about your cousin, would your friendships remain intact?

    I would suggest that you rethink about it, because its a hard lesson to learn when you have to eats your words.

  2. listen to your parents before you jump into a hole you will not be able to get out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tell them no and then blame your parents.

  4. Stay with your parents until you can finally afford your own apartment. It is better to have your cousins mad at you now, instead of later arguing over who is going to pay rent and utilities and the housekeeping and laundry and food etc. Let them be angry now.

    Besides, parents are forever.  

  5. Do what you think is right....If you have doubts a about moving in with them...then I would think you just plain shouldn't move in with them......,And since you are ready to move out maybe you can find one of your maturer friends and move into an apartement with them....

  6. parents know better i should say u listen to their advice after all they love u and care about u.. letting u move out  alone or with cousins wont be easy.. but on this one they make sense in every way.. ur cousins dont have  jobs.. they are inmature u have said it yourself.. u know that deep inside u do have doubts best to follow those instincts.. as far as getting mad for turning down the offer will only prove that u did right by not moving in with them... its best to keep the family together than later having to regret the move.. good luck..  its a matter of time u will move out when the time is right.. dont rush..

  7. trust your own gut instinct. you will never have but one set of parents. they love you and are concerned about the way your cousins irresponsibility. think before you jump. your parents wont try to stop you from living your life and moving out--when they know you are making the right decision.if your cousins get mad at you--then, this should be a red flag. follow your heart, but do what you know is right. good luck.

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