
I want to move out? i got 2 years to do it? how to get start?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 16 and i'm sick of my lifestyle and the food and the people i'm living with(my brother). so i want to move out, but i dunno how to start, what should i do, i got 2 years to do it and i have to decide, should i a pick a appartement or a house or a duplex, help people!!




  1. first you need to worry about finishing school. you can get a job and save your money. then when the time comes you can get an apartment because going to college will drain your expenses.  i dont know where you live, but if you dont have a decent career you wont be able to afford a house. sorry just being honest  

  2. First, you want to save up as much money as possible!  Moving into a new place can get very expensive.  If you don't have a job, I suggest you get one pronto!  Since you're going to be on your own for the first time you should probably look into renting an apartment because it's cheaper than a house or condo, and you'll need to build your credit anyway before you can take out a loan to buy.

    Try for starters just to get a ballpark idea of what the cost of living will be in your area.  When choosing a place to live, make sure you're realistic about it.  You only want to spend 1/4 to 1/3 at the most of your income on rent.  So if you make $2000 a month, your rent should be no more than $500-$650 a month.

    Generally you don't need to start seriously looking for an apartment until a few months before you want to move in.  However, it would be a good idea to start looking now just so you have an idea.  Keep in mind, you'll need additional money when you move in for fees such as a move in fee and rental deposit (which you get back when you move out).

    Good luck!

  3. Two years huh? Well first thing is "Get A Job" and get a good one! Apartments, renting a house or duplex will cost a lot of money. Their is the first month's rent, security deposit and last month's rent this can amount to a lot of money. Some landlords require a background check and a credit check which costs more money. I suggest you get a place all your own and don't do one of those share a place deals because someone always says they will pay their part and doesn't and leaves you stuck paying the bills so don't do it! I know your a little young but ask your parents with help on building your credit up. I'm sure your wondering why? Once you get credit established and keep building it up you can buy your own place which is much better than renting. When you rent a house or apartment you'll never own it so why pay for someone else place? When you own your own place you can do what you want without someone standing over your shoulder telling you all the things your not allowed to do "think of landlords as extended parents" they get on your back about things and if they don't like you they kick you out.  

  4. finish school, get a job, prepare a budget, find a cheap apt and decent room-mate to share costs.  it's not easy starting out with no family support but you can do it with self-discipline.

  5. I ran away from home when I was 15 and I was definatly not prepared for the real world.  That was 10 years ago and I have learned a lot over the years and maybe a thing or two that I have learned can help you.  It would be a good idea to save every cent that you can spare over the next two years as you will need it when you move out.  I know it sounds bad but you can look around at second hand furniture stores for the basic furniture items that you will need. For example a fridge, microwave, couch, bed etc.  Most of us all start out with second hand things and save up later for new stuff.  Whatever you do DO NOT GO INTO DEBT for these things.  THe last thing you need is to start off your life on your own with a large debt hanging over you head. Garage sales are another great place to pick up pots, pans, plates and other essential item.  Also family members who are downsizing their houses may offer some items to you to get you started.  When you have all these items ready and you have set a moving date, you then need to  look for a place of residence.  If you choose to have room mates then you need to choose them carefully as they need to be trustworthy.  Also do not room with anyone who does not have a job as you will most likely end up footing alot of the bills and rent as they will not be able to afford to pay for it.  If you choose to get your own place, I would recomend either a duplex or a bedsitter(one bedroom and kitchen, lounge and toilet) or a unit would be fine although units sometimes cost as much as houses can so look around.  Get your family to come with you when you apply and see if they will garrentor you as this will increase your chances of being approved.Then once you are approved you will need to pay your bond which is 4 weeks rent plus 2 more weeks in advance.  This is where the money you have saved will come in handy. Once you have settled into your new place it would be a good idea to set up direct debits in place for your electricity bills as they can be hard to pay all at once.  I have been doing this for years and it works really well.  Obviously you don't have to take any of this advice but due to personal experience I think they may be some help to you.  Good luck with everything.

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