
I want to move out of the United States but I dont know where to begin. Please Help!!!

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I use to be in the Air Force. I have been to England and Spain. Spending time over seas made me realize that I would rather live my life out of the United States. Yet I need to find a country that would be easy to find a job, that is affordable, and I need to find out what do I need to move, and most of all what place in Europe is great for a 25 Puerto Rican. Please Help!!!




  1. Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua, France, and Hungary are sort of the hot spots for expatriates moving abroad.  They say that if you have a monthly income of  $1000 dollars, you can live like a king in Hungary.  There are books that you can order online regarding what you need to do before deciding to move abroad.  Each country has it's own do's and don'ts.  Most people recommend visiting the country first before deciding for sure that's where you are going to move.  Just google some key words to see what pops up.  Personally, if I could move without having to work once I got there, I would choose Hungary.  However, they say some of the most welcoming people to former U.S. citizens live in Costa Rica.  Also, Mexico might be a good destination choice due to its proximity to the U.S. if things don't work out. Good luck!

  2. nobody can answer this for you... you need to decide where you want to go... what languages do you speak?  that will limit your choices somewhat.... my personal choice would be Andorra....

  3. london madrid paris. probably good places to start looking. you also need info on how to obtain citizen ship in other countries.

  4. Well, I am on the same page as you but unfortunately I am stuck in the unintellectual h**l hole known as American High school.  Seeing as you are Puerto Rican, you probably have some degree of fluency in Spanish, so I would move to a spanish speaking country. yes, you could move to one of the many great European countries where most of the people speak English but it is not the official language, but you really cannot ever be a true part of that country unless you speak the language  as you will always be on  a lower level than everybody else as it will not be as natural of a dialog with English. I would also love to move to Europe  and in terms of democracy, economy, welfare and everything else, it is a first world as you can get with many other advantages.

    However, Europe is very expensive and they really do not allow the average US citizen to move there just if they want to move. You have to have a job and it is very expensive to get started there, but it is  a spectacular place to live. I have studied and lived in Argentina and I would say that Buenos Aires or Montevideo are the places to go. Both countries, Argentina and Uruguay, are westernized democracies which have a stable economy and society is generally not out of control. with class differences.  There is a very European way of life there and that is just the start when concerning the positive cultural and lifestyle aspects of these countries. Also, moving there is not as hard as Europe and it is cheap! The US dollar is 3:1 Peso and you can live very affordably there while experiencing nice things. I cannot think of a better place to move that is affordable than those two countries. Good luck!

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