
I want to move out tomorrow, but I hardly have any money, please help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 23 years old and live with my dad. School just started, but I dread it. The career I'm getting into doesn't have any classes until the Spring. I don't get along with my dad, and he is making it difficult for me to decide whether to move out or not. I love him and everything, but he argues with me alot and I can't explain myself to him. I have about $200 in cash on me. I want to move out tomorrow, or within the next couple of days. I keep on telling myself I want a full time job. I've held onto the job I've had for 8 years, but I want something better for myself. My dad's frustration just discourages me to get one. It's hard to talk to my dad about anything because he always starts to argue with me. I just want to move. Is there anyway possible with $200 to do this. I will drive and stay in a hotel or something if I have to. I have family scattered all over the US, and I will make a surprise visit if I have to. Anybody have any good ideas, or is it just not possible at all with $200? I think if I just get up and go my dad will see that I'm taking responsibility for myself, hopefully. He wants me to finish school, but he yells at me when he has to pay for tuition and books. And he kept changing his mind about who was going to pay, and it just adds to the stress. Please, help.




  1. Find a roommate & get a job.  

  2. I had the same issue awhile back, but I was dealing with both parents.  What I had to realize was leaving just because I really wanted to was not the best idea for me.  As the saying goes you don't want to jump from the frying pan into the flame.  It is rough out there, right now you have issues with your Dad and trust me I know EXACTLY how you feel, but consider everything it takes just to live.  I may be just going by assumptions but he is paying rent/mortgage, electric/gas, water, heat/air, trash service, buying food and anything else it takes to run a household.  Not to be harsh but that takes money, and unfortunatly you don't have it yet.

    I can tell you what I did, I worked as much as possible, you said you have a job, get a second job and work like a mad man and save, save, save!  You will not only build up some money quickly but you will also be out of the house more and avoid being uncomfortable as often.  

    When you start to get close to feeling you can move start looking to move in with a roommate or renting a room or apartment in someones house.  You will have to keep a steady stream of income but at least you will have peace of mind and if you are like me your realationship with your Dad will be better once you move.

    Hope everything works out for you!

  3. dude i am in a simaliar postion...buddy we should email each other....''

    call a random a family member or a friend...$200 is a start...

  4. You and a roomy could do it. Of course, unless you have an active income coming in, that wouldn't work.

  5. With only $200, you are screwed.  That will barely buy a tank of gas anymore.

  6. Parents always want the best for there children. All the complaining your dad is doing he is still paying for your schooling. You can't get very far with 200 dollars so my advice to you is to search for another job and save. When you have enough you could then move out.

  7. i bet if you want out bad enough you could make it work with $200, just be smart with what you do with it.

    You probably won't get too far with gas prices still so high.

    Oh, and is the car in your name or his? that might be something to think about too.

  8. Well, start by asking around on the street to see which grocery carts hold up best. You don't want to be stranded with all you pickings because a cheap wheel falls off. You'll need to know this stuff when the relatives turn out not at all pleased with a surprise guest, especially one who can't afford to leave, and the car craps out or is towed for no insurance or whatever puts afoot and broke.  

    You have any idea how far $200 dollars won't get you at $4 a gallon? Oh well. The experience will do you good, I guess. You'll gain a whole new appreciation for the importance of what school can do for you and just how bad is wasn't before you jumped off the gravy train. It will make a man of you. A dirty, smelly, homeless man, but can't have everything.  

  9. You are in a rut but I don't suggest moving out. You need to finish school first and formost, because without it you are not going to find better work. If you are working the same place for 8 years and you don't have classes until Spring see if you can get extra hours. Or get a second job. Sorry but $200 is not a lot of money. It won't even buy you much gas, let alone a deposit on a new place.  Work your butt off, save up as much as you can, being at work will reduce the time you have to be around your dad and will prevent you from spending much.  When Spring comes around you may be better prepared to make a decision- or you may just want to power through the rest of your classes.  Having some money stashed away is a nice safety net and also good for your confidence.

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