
I want to move quickly like Chinese people!?

by Guest63376  |  earlier

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I have seen it that Chinese people can fight quickly. I am talking about their movement. Chinese martial arts is really cool. So what do you think about it? How can I do it?




  1. plometrics. helps your reaction speed.

  2. Hahahahaha.....seriously that title made me laugh so I cant get the image of little Chinese people walking around on fast forward out of my head....

  3. If you had said "SOME Chinese people" then your answer might warrant an in depth answer...

    It's all about the INDIVIDUAL and PERSONAL skill!

    All you need to do is to study your martial art for 20+ years!

  4. Well, first off, you have to find a chinese martial arts instructor...

    That's pretty much the only good way of learrning chinese martial arts.

  5. I agree with evil J; that sooty air and dog meat must make them really tough I mean, if you can survive that!.....

    Okay though but seriously.

    Much of that is genetics; most Chinese people, when fit, don't get much heavier than 170 lbs at most, and only northern Chinese will grow over 6 feet, and even then they tend to be gaunt and skinny.

    Meaning..... largely because they are smaller for one, and the circular nature of Kung Fu, plus brutal training, can they move with tremendous speed.  Achieving high speed though is not a question of genes as dedication and correct practice combined with meditation.

    In Tai Chi, there is a maxim "if you want to speed up, you must learn to slow down."  Saying that you need to learn to calm and relax yourself to be able to achieve speed.  Generally, because most east asians are not as neurotic or hyper, or hot headed as whites, it is easier for them to relax, and thus easier to focus their mind, combine this with the way their bodies are built, naturally that leads to greater speed.

    However if you are white you must learn to overcome your genetic handicaps, not to mention any sense of self-importance if you hope to match them.

    Egotism, and an inability to relax it seems, are the two obstacles which prevent most white people from reaching comparable levels to east asian martial artists, at least, all the 7th dans and higher, and the ones called "master."

    If you want speed, you will need the following character traits, common in the best of chinese people;

    1)  naturally calm, quiet, and relaxed.

    2)  generally humble and all around good person.

    3)  a selfless devotion to family.

    4)  a very high tolerance for hardship, which is the biggest advantage most east asians have over other ethnic groups as far as attainment of skill in martial arts is concerned.  The only people, with a higher tolerance for suffering and hardship, are the native americans, their cousins.  Potentially speaking the peoples of latin america could be the best martial artists on the planet; because of their native american heritage, they are much stronger usually, even than black people.  But, like east asians, they are naturally calm, quiet, and relaxed.  In north america they gave the U.S. army one hellish time WITHOUT ANY formalized disciplined training tell me, what would a native american be like, if he or she trained at the Shaolin temple?  Consider what they did to the U.S. military, how primitive their weapons were, and their lack of discipline.  Consider how much higher they would go, if just one of them, trained at Shaolin.  Jim Thorpe, who was mostly native american from his father side, showed what was possible.

    The potential, as martial artists, people of native american descent have is truly almost surreal.  I mean, I almost envy them because they have EVERY advantage.  Like east asians, again, they are naturally calm, they have a high pain tolerance, and a high hardship tolerance, in addition that most of all shapes and sizes, are born strong.

    Ultimately though this is concerned with you; first order of business, is learn to relax.  Next order of business, is learning how to focus on something simple, and not take your eyes of it.  Last order of business, is quieting the mind, which is EXTREMELY hard.

    Generally its easier for most east asians because, again, they have a naturally quieter, gentler temperament than most Europeans.

    food for thought.

  6. You have to breathe sooty air and eat plenty of dog meat

  7. Watch 'Enter the Dragon' 300 times and learn to 'Wahhh' like the Master.  

    But then again, have you ever wondered if people appear to move fast simply because they take the time to train?  

    I think this applies to all ethnicities.  Try it.  Perhaps one day someone will ask a similar question about moving quickly like you (instead of Chinese people).

    Also one thing about training and speed, perhaps the quick-Chinese you witnessed have essentially dedicated their lives to martial arts.  Do you want the 'quickness' that bad?

  8. Train...find a MMA or Martial Art school near you and apply yourself to the training...

  9. when was the last time u looked in the mirror ?

    i think u are chinese and move like a tub of lard,

    try some shadow boxing for beginners

  10. MMA training, running, jump rope, and as the other guy said learn to WAHHHHHHHHH like the master :p

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