
I want to move...really badly!?

by  |  earlier

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i want to move. My mom wants to move. My SISTER wants to move. We all want to move to the same place. I'm convinced we'll have a better life to where we want to move. Not only that, but where i want to move, the houses are half the price of my house (if we sell it). Our only problem dad. I have to admit, his commute will probably be a little worse. But there is a small company that is owned by the company he works for, so the rest of my family are trying to convince him to transfer there, or at least look at the jobs that are available there. I'm not too sure if there's a job available for him there. But whatever. I really want to move. REALLY REALLY want to move. Like i said, i'm not the only one. But whenever we try to talk to my dad about it, he completely blows up and refuses to talk about it. I don't know what his problem is. I mean, i've tried to ask him why he doesn't want to move when the rest of us do. I mean, our family here, no offense, never talk to us, never do anything with us. But our family there, are so supportive! And we have tons of friends there. So i find it a little selfish (no offense or anything to him) that he's not even considering it, or even telling us why he's refusing. So my question is, how on earth am i going to convince him to move?




  1. Wow...I'm dealing with the opposite. My mom wants to move. My dad wants to move. My sister wants to move. But I don't want to move because this would be the freaking 9th time. I understand that you guys may hate where you are or whatever your situation is, but your dad is the one with the job so you can't really change how he feels, just like my dad is the one with the job, so I'd have to move. I feel your pain. One day, your dad may change his mind though. You just may have to be patient.

  2. Your father is the "breadwinner"  if you guys want to move pack up and move.  But one of you will have to be the "breadwinner" since your dad won't be moving with you.  You claim that your father is being selfish and yet he is the one working to make sure you have a roof over your head.  So if you want to move so bad get your butt out, get a job and move.

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