
I want to move school ...(read inside)

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i would really like to move school although i think my parents will dismiss my request .... im pretty upset with my social life - barely no friends, in fact - i have none , partly because i don't like anyone in my grade and i just have bad social skills - secondly, i'm not happy with a subject that im taking, i chose it for any elective and cannot change back - i am not interested in it what so ever and i'm doing pretty bad in it - im in yr 9 .....would these be good enough reasons? ....i really hate this place.




  1. aw dont worryy you will be okay in the end.

    just sti your parents down and talk to them calmly.

    say you are not feeling right in the school you are in now and that you dont have to subject you picked.

    if they dissaprove of this, tell them to put themselves in your postition.

    no one likes to be this way and it can be really hard.

    say if they let you go to a diferent school, that you promise you will try the best you can at your social life and work.

    they will understand:)

    just keep in mind though, that if you do move schools, because you are new to it and starting in year 9, some of the students there will probably treat you like an outsider

    but theis will eventually go away.

    i hope everything goes well :)


  2. if u hate it that much tell ur parents ur uncomfortable with the place and it would really mean a lot to u if u could move and pray they understand

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