
I want to move to Australia from the uk?

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What are the chances of getting accepted to move to Australia to work from the UK if i have no degrees from uni but i have a business and management certificate from tec




  1. If you are under 30yrs old you will be able to apply for a working holiday visa that allows you to stay here for a year.  If you want to come here permanently it is calculated on a points basis - the best being if your job is on the skilled workers list - you can check that out on the Immigration website.

  2. hi, I  know that it works on a point system , if you have a trade or a qualification helps toward your points do you have any relatives already living here that can help. friend of mine already had a job to come to because she was a nurse and nurses were needed, so thats an example, I hope this helps and good luck.

  3. I'm pretty sure you don't need any degrees from uni. I live in far north Queensland and there are so many backpackers here from the UK who are all just floating around and doing hospitality jobs, there are lots of friut picking/packing jobs too.(Like bananas, mangoes etc) You should really look into it because im sure you just need to qualify for a working visa.Judging from all of the backpackers here(Like 50% of the population are backpackers!) im 99% sure you will have no problems at all!! Good Luck with it and i hope you get to come down under!! Get to cairns (QLD) and you will LOVE it!!

  4. You should have no problem, provided you are deemed to be 'of good character', which basically means that you've not been in prison.  For more information about the requirements and steps that you have to take, visit and select the options applicable to you.  Australia is a great place to live and certificates in business and management still make you a skilled immigrant.

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