
I want to move to Buenaventura Chihuahua with my boyfriend. Is life style there very different from Kansas?

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He is concerned that I will not be able to adapt and will not like it. Will the culture be so different from Kansas?




  1. You will feel welcome there.

  2. viva mexico

  3. Very different, but your stay there will be a life changing experience. Work on learning some Spanish, read some Mexican history, talk to your neighbors, visit some open markets, read some cookbooks...immerse yourself in the culture. You will have a grand time.

  4. Remember that saying from the Wizard of OZ

    .... we're not in Kansas anymore


  5. Well depends, Buenaventura is a small town, full with cowboys and a very slow pace of life,  winters will seem milder but still an ocasional snow once in a while, summers are hot, and you see a lot of the wild life from the desert...coyotes, road runners, falcons, hares. crows etc.

    Food can be a problem, but if there is a place in Mexico where an American can adapt to It will be the state of Chihuahua, even there you will find a place with pizzas and hamburgers.

    There are no Mc donalds, burgerking, wendies, no apple bees.....those are in Chihuahua city 2 hours away.

    But the best thing about this land is the people, they are very friendly and with a simple easy going life....

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