
I want to move to Egypt. How can I?

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I love summer. And egypt is so hot. And america sucks anyway. america is for g*y stupid losers with no brain. i want to move to egypt. how do i get a permanent visa or should i just travel to egypt and then live there illegally. America SUCKS!!!!!!!!




  1. You can't just go and live in someone else's country unless you are rich. All you can get for Egypt is a short tourist visa. If you overstay, you will be sharing a cell with a bunch of others in a dirty stinking Egyptian jail. If you think you can go there to avoid g**s, forget it.You will have to sit with your back to the wall too, or you will be finding out about another local custom, summarised by the old Egyptian saying,"Women for babies, boys for love"!  

  2. I'd buy a plane ticket immediately.  Hurry.  Go now.  Stop reading and go!  I'm sure you'll love Egypt, but you can't if you don't leave now!  

  3. If America sucks then what are you doing here. Leave now, no one cares.

  4. Ok illegally is not really an option!!!!!

    Why dont you try and get a job in Egypt then you can get a work visa and the move will be by far easier especially as you'll have the security of a job waiting for you! Google jobs in Egypt...... theres plenty but you will need to out time and effort into your search!!

    I have just moved to Egypt!!! I love it!!!


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