I'm 19 in a month, and my life has taken a sudden turn, not for the better. I live in a small town that revolves around gossip, and I'm tired of it. I went to college, but it didn't work out for me, I wasn't mentally prepared, I want to go back, just now in the state I live in. I've just got back from a trip to France with my aunt and uncle, and loved it. But my dream is to go to Ireland and Scotland, where my family traces back to, a long distance mind you.
I'm a really simple country girl, I love horses, dogs, all animals in general, I will work, actually I really enjoy working, makes me feel useful :)
If anyone has any idea how I can go about and move to Ireland, living with a really cool, chill family, or just a some college students who do foreign exchange stuff. It wouldn't be as an exchange program, but I would love to eventually go to school out there...please let me know...I'm desperate for a new start, and life changing experience.