
I want to move to New Zealand from the US, do I have the long-term skills needed?

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I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Finance. I am a CompTIA A+ Certified Computer technician with customer service, help desk, and database experience. Are there decent paying opportunities that could warrant a move in the very near future? Am I wasting my time?

Other info: I'm a 25 year old male in good health, good police record, can speak and write excellent English.




  1. for job opportunites try or

  2. Take a look at the NZ Skills occupation list - that will give you a great idea to see if you qualify.

    Immediate Skill Shortage List -

    Long Term Skills Shortage List -

    Latest news in the Skilled Migrant Category -

    Other sites of use to you - New Zealand Immigration -

    Free Advice (Forum)

    New Zealand Immigration Assessment Forms:

    Immigration Assessment form for Individuals

    New Zealand Immigration Self Assessment Systems

    Self Assessment system - Individual's Version

    Another great guide on everyday life in NZ is iexplains things in plain English, applying for visas, working or as an international student etc….

    Good Luck

  3. I lived in NZ for a year and had a temporary work visa. I mostly did random waitressing jobs to sustain my travel. However, I did meet many other U.S. and European travelers who were looking to get a job in business and possibly stay in NZ permanently. Here is what I noticed:

    New Zealand companies do seem to like hiring American business applicants. I think that the business ethic/training in the U.S. is more aggressive and fast-paced than the normal Kiwi business persona(I am sure that there are exceptions). So, you have a good chance to be a preferred hire in this field. However, NZ is a small place with a limited amount of jobs, so, it might not happen right away. And, you have better chances in Auckland and maybe some of the medium sized cities like Wellington(my preference), Dunedin, and Christchurch. Get a temporary work visa(good for 10 months, I believe). You can get these through the NZ gov. or through some American programs, like Bunac.

    Once you have moved there, try and find a company you like and establish a good relationship with your get a permanent visa you have to have an employer sponsor you. If you have trouble getting into the business world immediately, you won't have a problem gettin a job in the tourist industry. 25 year old "fit" males are in demand! :)

    New Zealand is a wonderful country with friendly people, beautiful scenery, and a laid back lifestyle. I wish you luck!

    -Kango  Traveler

  4. Cool. You'd be fine. Go on this site it's one of the most popular in NZ

    Good luck!

  5. depending on wat part of nz ae

  6. There are always a shortage of expertise in your area...these jobs are well paid in NZ and I guess qualifications will be similar in your country...I would google nz, your job requirements, and this should give you an idea of the jobs and salaries available in your area...

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