
I want to move to New Zealand?

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I'm going to be a freshman next year in the U.S. at a decent university. I'm planning on majoring in something business related. I've been doing a ton of research about New Zealand lately and have decided that I definitely want to move there sometime after college. Would I find any jobs with a business degree over there? If so what type of business should I go after, accounting, marketing, etc.....? Life over there just seems flippen sweet and I think I'd really enjoy moving, hopefully to a warm area near a beach. Alright well thanks for any help or pointers you have it's much appreciated.




  1. Yes, your qualifications would be accepted in NZ business wise, except there will be some differences in the accounting system i.e different tax systems etc.

    If you plan to immigrate to NZ for a job in the business arena, any larger city in NZ should be fine...Auckland is the largest city and close to many beaches with a very temperate climate.

  2. Lol, if you have a business degree than you would get a job definitely...Why don't you move there early? Transfer? Lol..If you do, go to Dunedin...its college central made to fit a college students and you never hear of the so much crime rate that you do here in the U.S...

  3. No problem getting a job, especially things like accountants as we are desperately short of skilled english-speaking workers.

    If you're from southern california or florida for instance, you may actually find it cold here to be honest. However NZ for the most part has a moderate climate, which means it doesnt get extremely hot or extremely cold. NZ winters rarely go below 0c, even in the south (we use celsius here). If you want the warmer weather, generally the more north you go the better. In this regard, i would deffianately advise Auckland to you. It's the warmest main city and has plenty of beaches. Winter days average around 13degrees during the day, and around 5-8 at night. Snow has never been recorded in Auckland, it just rains alot. Real frosts are rare. There are skiing fields only a few hours away tho. Summer days are usually in around 23-27 and around 16 at night and very humid in Auckland. It is also the place you're most likely to find work as it is the largest financial centre. Have fun in NZ!

  4. Check out for jobs.

  5. do a student exchange- I'm at massey in palmerston north and thats central of north island, half an hr away from beaches and cheapest place to live in NZ for students and free transport etc.. The nicest place in North Island to live where business is expanding in Hawkesbay (wine country but has a huge cusine culture too) thats where i'm originally from and all the aucklanders come down to relax there. Auckland isnt really the place to "live the kiwi dream" too many asian immigrants ( not being racist just trying to say that it's not a true representation of kiwi culture)

  6. The best places to go job hunting are Auckland and Wellington but it you head to the South Island things are a bit more laid back. Plenty of jobs at the moment with the country in just about full employment.


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