
I want to move to Siena Italy, Is it a good place?

by Guest65807  |  earlier

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It's in Tuscany. Siena italy is a village. or a town. who lives there? is it a great place to live? i'm from Hawaii.




  1. write to me, I live in San Gimignano and have a lot of tips to offer. Ciao Sandro

  2. Martina is right.

    Italy is very expensive right now, especially with the dollar being as weak as it is.  

    Is Siena, Italy beautiful? Yes   but don't be fooled , I hate stressing Martina's words but many foreigners who live in Italy are taken advantage of.  This may anger some people but

    the truth is, you won't be treated as well if you don't look like a local.  My advice to you is to take a trip to Italy and see how you really like it, and take a few years to study italian.  Try and connect with some Italians before you think of moving there.  In many cases if you get a work visa your italian friends may be able to help you find a job(maybe).  

    Take it from me, I have wanted to move to Italy for 3 years ( I go back every summer to visit my military parents in Naples) but I would never live there without being fluent in Italian.  

    Do your homework as well, there may be somewhere else that you would prefer better.  For many years I wanted to move to Naples, but I decided against this because a job is hard to come by there.  Now I looking into Northern Italy (particularly Bolzano/ Alto Adige/ Sudtirol).  

    I repeat what I said already.  Take a trip there first!!!!  Visit a variety of places and have an open mind.

    In bocca al Lupo!!!!!

  3. I love Siena! I have been making vacations there for almost 18years but I heard from a lot of foreigners who moved to Siena that they are not so happy there because the most important thing for the people in Siena is the Palio (horse-race) and their Contrada and if you don`t understand the Palio and you are not a fan of it, it will be difficult for you to make friends there -  I really heard it from a lot of people who moved to Siena!

    It is also a very expensive city, which is very old but the sights are so beautiful! The weather is really hot in the summer months but during winter it is most of the time raining!

    Why you wanne live there when you have never been there? Just because of some pictures?

    Well I would also say first you should go there for a vacation and look if you would be able to get a job and pay for flat, food etc...and you should learn italian because italian people don`t speak so much english! So you should speak it fluent to find a job and live there

  4. I've been there and I can tell you that is beautiful. The oldest part of the town is medieval, Piazza del Campo is just great. The "Domo" is a piece of art. The new part of the city is pretty nice and well kept. It is not a very big city, probably 100,000 people living there. It is very close to Florence and to some other cities from Tuscany (Pisa, Lucca, Livorno) You'll love it.

  5. I have never been to Italy, but its picture are very beautiful. I bet Siena would be no problem at all...

  6. Siena is a town, with a big place, near Florence. Is very very beautiful!

  7. Siena is a beautiful town for holidays but... you want to lives there how?

    It's no easy finding a job there...

  8. I am Italian and I've been to Tuscany but never to Siena. It's a big town and it's beautiful by all accounts. Lots of history, great food and wine. I think it would be a perfect place for you to relocate. But before you make the move make sure you do your homework, don't just jump on a plane and go. Italy can be very expensive even if you have a job and English is not widely spoken and understood. Also people can be mean and want to take advantage of someone coming from abroad.

  9. Italy, in general, and Siena, in particular, are great places to be. I live in northern Italy, but enjoy visiting in Siena whenever the opportunity is available. Siena was a rival of Florence and was the "loser" of the rivalry. The result was that the city was relatively poor for many years and didn't change as much as some other places. The advantage is that today it retains a lot of the old architecture and character of the city. The weather is great, the art, architecture, traditions, and food are all interesting. There's relatively easy access to the rest of Italy through the train system. It's not on the main north/south route, but that's not a problem. The countryside around Siena is spectacular, but then much of Italy is.

    Note that it's not so easy to move here if you're not an EU citizen. You can check visa requirements at the Italian Ministry website: The type of visa you would need need depends on where you're from and whether you want to be working here. It's illegal to work here without the correct visa & permesso di soggiorno if you're not from the EU. Note that if you're an expat, you'll need to file tax return in both Italy and the US.

    You'll need to do some planning before moving to Italy, there are a lot of expat websites with advice for people moving to Italy or visiting here on extended holidays.

  10. I love siena, it's beautiful! one of the most beautiful cities in italy!

  11. Hi!! excuse me for the orrible english. I'm  italian and i want to tell you a thing...You shouldn't move to italy!! It is a suicide!! The prices are high (very very high), the inflation is between 3% and 19% (spaghetti for example), the crime is growing up quickly, rapist, murderers, pedophiles are coming in italy from Romania, Albania and other countries. The services about health aren't goog-working, as well as those about justice. If you are the son of a murdered man, you will probably wait the judgement for years ( a lot of years ). Some elderly must seek something to eat or to wear among the trash bin. School is inefficient.......And i can continue for a long time. Plese, don't move in italy!!!! Siena is an average town (54.000 residents)

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