
I want to move to america to be with my U.S Navy Man, but need help on how i go about this with 2 kids.?

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i want to move to america to be with my U.S Navy Man, but need help on how i go about this with 2 kids aged 10 & 13 i don't no whether to go over then apply for a green card or do i let them no before i go?




  1. First of all, you have to be either engaged with intent of getting married soon, or be married to him. Then secondly, he has to petition you either as Fiance or Spouse.

  2. This requires an extremly long answer! This is a good place to start to get the info you need.



  3. he can aply for s fiancee visa,   this process takes around 2 or 3 months,  and after you get the fiancee visa once living u the us, you can get marry and apply for a temporary residece,

    all this process can be made at the same time with your sons.

    this is the website where you can download the forms, check all the documents that you will need to file, and all the steps to follow,.

  4. You can't just move here without a visa. Green cards are not just handed out to eople that want them. If he wants to marry you he can petition for visas for you and your kids. K-1 is for fiancees and K-2 for their kids. You will need the kids fathers written permission or a court order giving you sole custody to be able to bring them here.

    As he is in the services he can get help with all the paperwork though the Navy here. You can find help and support at

    In the meantime if this is what you want then you can start making sure you have all the papers you are going to need. Start off by getting hold of any marriage and divirce certificates, birth certificates for you and the kids, peole with kids on the visa journey website will tell you what you need from your kids schools to show to schools here. If you haven't met your man in person within the last 2 years come over for a holiday and make sure you take pictures of all of you together, keep your boardinng cards, hotel reciepts, everything that proves you and your man were in the same place at the same time. You're going to need all of it. You both need to start keeping intemised phone bills, printouts of some emails, save cards you send each other as these will be helpful at your embassy interview.

    The paperwork takes 6 months to a year and while it isn't hard you have to make sure you get it all right.

    Good Luck

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