
I want to move to australia?

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im 20 years old and i have family living out there, i know how hard it is to get out there, and concidering im not in a trade buisness, it will be even harder!

if any1 can help me or advise me it would be greatful, i want to start a new life out there. im going out there for a few weeks next year to see what its like, and staying at my aunties!

do i have a better chance of geting out there if i have family??

please if anyone can help i would be very greatful!




  1. I believe so, yes :)

    Let them sponsor you for your visa, you must apply for an Australian Family Sponsored - Visitor Short Stay (Subclass 679) Visa, you can see the requirements here:

    If not, get the electronic visa! This visitor visa allows you to visit family members in Australia, as well as travel around the country for 12 months.

    But if you're planning to work and then permanently reside to Australia, my best bet would be to go there as a skilled immigrant.

    Good luck!

  2. this won't be much help but hey any good looking 20yr old chick (as you seem in the avatar) is always a welcome addition to our brown land-cheers!

  3. G'day, i'm an aussie, i just want to wish you well, go see your family and go from there you'll be better off being there to get the information you require, i wonder where in Aussie they are and where you wanna be.

  4. plaese email me on have a few cheats that you can use but not willing to post on here need to know where your famly are and how long they have been

  5. Take a look at the EXPO coming up soon -

    Immigration is there to help with forms and questions - but everything is explained on how to work and live in Australia.  If you have a skilled job that Australia is short on (eg: nursing) then job offers can be made on the spot too)

    Good Luck

  6. If your closest relative in Australia is an auntie, then you wouldn't qualify for a family reunion visa unless she is your only living relative and even then, it would be doubtful.

    Depending on where you're from, you may be able to get a Working Holiday visa for 12 months and then extend that by another 12 months if you do seasonal work in a regional area for 3 months during the first 12 months. After that though, there can be no extensions. The only other way is to come in as a skilled worker in some occupation where Australia needs workers. Not all occupations are trades - IT workers, nurses and some others also qualify. See for the full current list.

    Take heart though. We have a new government here who are currently talking about greatly increasing our intake of workers, both skilled and unskilled from overseas. As politicians do, they will talk about it for ages, but it looks as if some of the restrictions may ease in the not too distant future.

    Keep a close eye on our immigration website as it is constantly updated as rules change:

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