
I want to move to new york from toronto when i'm 18 (university). any advice/tips?

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like, where to go for university

where to live

what to eat..

you know,

just basic stuff so i can survive on my own there.

everything will be new to me.




  1. Start saving money. You'll need lots. New York can be very expensive, and so can US universities.

  2. where to go depends on what your budget is. the major cities are very expensive compared to the smaller towns. also, private universities are more expensive than public ones, and the public unis give better scholarships.

    living depends on the university. most univs make it compulsory for u to live in the dorms the first year, and its the best thing to do since you meet many locals etc and make lifelong friends.

    eating...hmm....that depends i guess as you will be eating at the uni cafeteria, which is unlimited food.

  3. have fun along the healthy food....relax well

    live where you can afford...

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