
I want to move to spain Please advice me further?

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I am moving to spain when i can get everything in order. But I want to find a job and somewhere to live before I hand my notice in with the bank that i work for. Do you know any tips and or advice for me and do you know and job sites i can go in and any sites for flats (preffeble shared) (and i can only speak english) o yea and welsh but dont think that, that would help me lol




  1. You have to speak Spanish. As SUE has said, people in Spain don´t speak much English, the same than people in England don´t speak more than UNA CERBEZA PO FABOR and MANANA. You´r not gonna go too far with this language skills.

    Have a look in loquo Barcelona to look for shared flats. Be prepared to pay around €400 for a room in a shared house.

    Marbella (South Spain -Malaga-) could be easier to find a job in English.

    Good luck.

  2. Yeah, I second that, take some Spanish.  For the most part, people in Spain don't speak much English.  You will learn once there, but your best bet is to have enough to get a good base before you leave.

    Clearly you are British, so the whole work Visa thing isn't a problem?  Make sure you have all that in order.  What kind of work do you want to do?  

    Here's a site that might help you.  You don't say where you want to live, but these guys have contacts all over the country.  He's American, but he knows his way around.  there's also links inside to Barcelonaman, sevilleman, and a couple of others.

    They are probably your best bets for all your questions.

  3. I think you should do some research before going ahead with this venture. Here is a link to a good ex-pats website. There you will find everything you will need to know about living and working in Spain.

    Life here in Spain is great, and you have the opportunity to be here through the UK being part of the EU or the UE as it is in Spain.

    Getting a job in Spain will be no problem, but having said that, getting the job you want may prove difficult. There are plenty of jobs going in the tourist industry, but even there they may only be seasonable. Getting a job that is sustainable may prove more difficult especially as there is more unemployment here than the UK. Then you have the language barrier. If you are young you should learn pretty quickly but it may still take 6 months to get fluent in the basics.

    Taxes in Spain differ to the UK. Residents and non residents are still liable for tax. Non residents will be liable for tax in Spain and the UK and someone to work your finances out is essential. You will employ a "Gestor". They have a tax here called the wealth tax. Look that up on the expat website.

    The cost of living here is cheap, but the wages reflect that and a €1000 may not sound a lot for your monthly salary but many Spaniards may earn less.

    When moving to Spain, if you are here for more than 183 days you will be taxed as a resident. The correct thing to do which is the law, you should contact your tax office in the UK to tell them your plans. You should also inform the NHS because once in Spain you are not entitled to any medical other than emergency treatment even though you are a British citizen. Many Brits don´t tell the NHS and still go back if they need treatment. This is in effect not telling the truth. If you are under 65 you must provide your own medical cover privately.

    Beaurocracy in Spain is a nightmare. Paperwork can be endless. It is nothing like the UK where officials will assist you, here it is very different. That is a huge benefit of learning the language.

    Furthermore, you will need a certain amount of capital to get started. If you are transferring to your Spanish bank account the exchange rates from UK pounds to Euros is not good. The pound is weak and will get weaker. This will reduce your finances. The European economy is strong and all reports suggest it may get stronger. The UK & USA are probably heading for a recession, this isn´t the case in Spain, though there will be a slow down in the housing market.

    Please don´t just come here on a whim. I´ve seen so many try it and fail. I admire you for giving this venture a thought, but please do some research. There is nothing like looking at this first hand. Go to Spain a couple of times and ask expats. Try and locate a bar where you can chat to locals, some may help with the translation.

  4. I moved to Spain without speaking Spanish. I now speak it fluently. I am so glad I did it and would never go back to the UK to live.

    Just do it would be my advice. What do you have to lose? The UK won't disappear.

  5. Take Spanish courses.

  6. the best thing you can  do is   plan  it    so many  people   move   there  without   weighing up the pros  and  cons .If you are renting   you  will  need   a deposit  and  maybe two  months  up front    as well   ,   i agree  sharing is  a great  idea  to    keep  costs  down,  but be careful   who   you share  with   ,make sure the  person  is trustworthy and will come up with the rent on time .As for   jobs   that depends what  your  skills  are  i  admit   that   to be  able  to speak  spainish   would be  a  huge bonus to  you  ,    but   the best way to learn it  is  by living and   working  with the spanish people.  Maybe you  could      just have  a career  break   so at  least  you   would have  a job to  come back to  if  things didn't work out  for   you .  all in  all if  you plan it well  ,you will have  a great  time. I   did   it     when i  was younger  and  i  have  no regrets   at  all good  luck

  7. ok...  you should ask to your employer to pay you, at least1500 euros a month

    the people earning 1000 euros, barely make end meets.. if you know a little bit spanish  google these key words

    mileurismo  mileurista

    you'll be pretty dissapoint about the fact that... the quality of living in spain is low.

    have a good, one, if you wait until tomorrow i'll come yup with some links   and all that.....

    Spain in facing a deep recession next year due the burst in the local housing bubble.... see ya!

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