
I want to move to the attic my mom said it was okay?

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Should I not do it because I have never been up there.And I would have to clean it how much do people charge to clean it?




  1. The best thing is to use a little elbow greese to clean it...anything that  is worth while is worth a little elbow greese.

    Happy moving.

  2. You should check it out first before you make your decision.  To have someone clean it would be expensive.  It would cost you probably at least $100.  It would also make you look irresponsible.  

    Go up and check it out.  There may not be that much too clean.  If you are really worried about it, maybe you could enlist some friends to help.  Tell them that you want them to help you decorate your new digs.  Let them know that you are treating to pizza, drinks, cookies, and whatever.  This will be much cheaper and more fun than hiring someone to do it.  You will also have the memory of setting up your room.  

    There are no rules to how you decorate your room.  You could let your friends create a masterpiece on your wall.  You could have them sign their autographs or write something to you.  Be creative and get them into the process somehow, and you will be surprised at how 'easy' it seems.  

    You will be much more satisfied with the finished project too.

  3. I would move up there to have privacy.  They probably charge $50.

  4. i would definitely check it out first. it may just take a little time, a broom and a rag.

    just remember that most attics get really, really hot in the summer and can get very cold in the winter since in most cases the insulation would be placed in the floor of your new room.

    so there are a few things to consider before worrying about the cleaning.

  5. Sounds like an adventure. Go check the room out first, to see if it doable yourself - Mom will tell you how to clean if you have any questions, it isn't that bad, really!

    And then you can see if you need to paint and move your bed and other things in.  Having friends help is always fun. Turn on your favorite tunes and let your adventure begin.

    In the summer it may get hot up in the attic so you have to consider this also!

  6. clean it yourself, you never know what you may find.

    Hope it turns out well for you

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