
I want to name my baby....?

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Avocado Green (boy)

Strawberry Princess (girl)

Family name = Fokin

What do you think?





  1. Avocado Green is awful but Strawberry Princess is suprisingly cute!

  2. I think you're a fokin fruitcake!

  3. how bout percie rose?

  4. To be honest, Katie Caprio doesn't sound much better than Strawberry Princess. KAYtie KAprio? That sounds like a cartoon character, sorry.

    Make it Katherine, at least, if you must use the K sound at the beginning (though that still sounds bad IMO).

  5. Those names sound weird. No offense, though. Those kids would get made fun of like crazy. School would be torture for them.

  6. you wanna know what i think i think people are getting crazier everyday!!!!!!!! Are you a celebrity???????? Apple, Lyric, Pylot Inspekter????????

  7. Avocado Green sounds like the title of a color picture book, Avocado Green, Cantoloupe Orange....etc. sorry,

    Strawberry Princess is too unique for my liking but it isn't an awful name, and ultimatly it's up to you.

  8. Avon Green Fokin (boy)

    Stella Cessa Fokin (girl)

  9. I understand the pressure of trying to name your kid something unique and different,Especially now-a-days, but don't you think you're trying a little 2 hard?   You're on the right track, but tone it down a bit...

  10. I'm not sure you should call your son Avocado Green, I believe that he would be made fun of, (I'm sorry) of course now the last decision is yours and that's how it should be, I like unique and special names for kids and I really like your name for youe daughter, because Strawberry Princess is special and unique, and not everyone will agree with us, but that's ok, because it takes alot of different opinions to make up this world, but she could when younger go by or you could make this her nickname, and call her by this birth name?:Angelina Diane, no never mind, she is going to be special anyway, so yeah, call her Strawberry Princess Fokin! Sorry, you name your beautiful daughter what you like, I was trying to think of a name that could partially stand for your daughter's name [like Angelina=Angel, Diane=Royalty=[Princess Di], I like Strawberry Princess, but I got to tell you it reminds of Strawberry Shortcake?She will be special no matter what you name her,How about Cado Green Fokin? You would have some of avocado but without the kids making fun of him? Its up to you, he'll be special no matter what you call him, because the boy/and girl is a gift from God!

  11.  sry. pick more normal names that are at the same time unique. :)

  12. Please tell me you're joking?

  13. I think you are joking.

    These names are crazy.

    Avocado Green? AVOCADO? Are you serious?

    Strawberry Princess? Princess Strawberry. Strawberry Shortcake. This kid would get eaten alive.

    DO not do it. If you insist on fruity names, Clementine is pretty for a girl. Fruit for a boy is just weak.  

  14. None of the above. I know you're Joking...

    Titanic = Kate Winslet + Leonardo DiCaprio = Katie Caprio? L.O.L.!! =D

    Good one.

  15. no just dont do it.  

  16. i like the family name better

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