
I want to obtain copies of your own school records? i am 31 & would loke to obtain copies of my school records

by  |  earlier

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i would like to obtain any & all records that the local school that i attended until high school has on me... This includes but not limited to I.Q. scores, grades, disciplinary records to name a few, i want all the records that I have a legal right to... If some one can quote the laws that order schools to provide such documents to eligible people... I know for a fact that there is a law that requires that schools provide documents on request to pearants, does this law work for adult wanting their own recrods from a school?




  1. If you cant get actual documents you could see if any of your old teachers still work within the school and ask them to make statmens about you.

  2. I would definitely contact your school.   Life is full of surprises and you never know if they still have what you are looking for.  

    Good Luck

  3. As per rules he documents are to be destroyed after 10 years similar to account documents , if you are 31 yrs. more than 16 years who will keep it?

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