
I want to open a place for kids ages 13 and up where they can play their musical instruments,where do i start?

by  |  earlier

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i have several guitars/and a sound system to run them all like an orchestra but other than the ad in the paper and getting the building i'm unsure as to what other steps i should take.its kinda like opening a work out gym w/ membership there a permit for that? or am i supposed to get some kind of certification?i really dont know and have never done this before.




  1. IDK all i can say is that wud rock

  2. yeah i would to know too!

  3. there's something like that where i live. It also doubles as a music store. Maybe you should do that.... sell some music, or instruments, but also have rooms for "music sessions". I sont' know about the certification, though. Hope it turns out- sounds like fun!

  4. start  at  a  middle  school   ask   if  you  can  be  the  music


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