
I want to open a student account at a bank. My parents have an account at Cathay Bank but I want to open it

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elsewhere, can I open one as a student with my parent's permission? If so, what banks provide this service? I would prefer a bank that doesn't charge you fees unless you overdraw or whatnot. I was considering Chase but my parents have to have an account there in order for me to open one. Please help! I just started this job and i need to cash my checks as well as save up. I'm only 14 but I should start thinking about the future..right?




  1. Because of your age, you will need to have one of your parents on your account, at the very least.  It will also depend on each bank as far as what you can open and how.  Perhaps for now you should consider using the bank your parents use.  When you get older, you can always get another account elsewhere.

    Good luck.  

  2. Until you're 18, you'll need to open a minor's account at the bank your parents use.  You can't enter into a contract on your own.  That's just the way things are.

    Usually monthly fees are waived for minor accounts - banks don't expect children to be be keep large amounts of money onhand in their bank account.  My own daughter's account is fee-free.

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