
I want to open and orphanage. what do i need?

by  |  earlier

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I am only 15 but i dream to one day open an orpahange in the state of michigan. I need to know what qualifications i need. And if i need any college. Any help or advice please let me know. thanks, Dakota




  1. You have to be 21 years old. You have to pay a reg fee with the government ($400-600, depending on the # of kids) the building must look like the others in the neighborhood. You also need a certain number of square feet per child, every child gets its own bed, etc etc.

    Foster parenting Cert. Prolly wouldn't hurt either.

    Check out the Dept. of Social Services. They should have more information for you.

  2. I dont' even think there are still orphanages around, are there? Well anyway, the first thing about orphanages, is kids.  You need kids that don't have parents. HOpe that helped.

  3. I think you probably have to be 18. Why not look int foster parenting at that age. That's similar to an orphanage. Your home would probably have to pass a vigorous inspection. You might want to check you office of social services or Office of Childrne and Family Services or similar agency in your area.

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