
I want to open recycling business ? Any help i m looking forward....?

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I want to open recycling business. I dont know much about it I will be very glad if you can provide me information about the types of goods i can recycle and cost involved in setu and machinery, what kind of machinery I am looking forward and what kind of subsidies I can get from government for opening recycling business. I am more interested into paper and can recycling.




  1. I was at a question-and-answer session with the President of SPSA, our local recycling company here in the Norfolk/VA Beach area of Virginia.  He said that in his business, their biggest moneymaker was aluminum and other metals, that they just about broke even recycling glass, and that plastic was a slight loss.

    With paper, I imagine you could turn a decent profit.  More and more paper products are including recycled paper, so you may want to see about getting contracts with Boise, OfficeMax, 3M, and some of the other major producers of paper products.  You might also do well to look into local paper producers in order to keep transport of your goods to a minimum, which helps the environment and will save you money.

    I don't know much about the machinery, but I took a tour of a recycling plant about a year ago.  The place was a maze of conveyor belts, and across each conveyor belt there was an orange box.  The box was there to visually identify items by shape, such as a piece of newspaper or a plastic bottle.  The machine would then command the machinery to send that item to the appropriate belt where similar items collected and could be sorted easily.  I'm sorry, I don't remember what the machines were called, but they were the product of a Dutch engineering firm.  It was pretty amazing.

  2. research



  3. if your talking about aluminun cans, ect. then put our trash cans or bags out with the words "recycle" on it and put it out in parks, if front of stores(auto zone, dollar stores, gas stations, ect) places where they dont have any, even bars might let you put one in their place, if their not collecting for themselves. or you can put an ad out for throw aways, like , bike parts, my brother used to do that, all you need is a place to work on them, and wrenches, screwdrivers,hand tools, and after you repair them you can either, sell them or better yet, paint them, put on a new seat if needed, add a basket, or horn, or streammers in the handle bars and "give" them away to the children who dont have a bike, for christmas or just "because" (because they would like a bike,) and probelly would never get one. you could change many lives, and JESUS CHRIST said "the things you do for the least of these, you do for me" Give you all, your best, and your heart, and GOD will take care of you. always. if you open up a chairty shop, the government should give you a grant for the low income, poor people youll help. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS. JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON, BE SAVED,BE BAPTIZED,BE READY.

  4. Except for metals, recycling isn't feasible in an economic sense.

    Most newsprint gathered for recycling is actually "thrown out". It cost more to create newsprint from recycled paper and is worse for the environment. The recycling of newsprints calls for the bleaching of the old paper. This process creates dioxin, one of the most toxic substances known to man.

    Think about it, if you could make a going concern out of it, you would see more people in the business. Also, why would the whole recycling process have to be mandated by the government if it were economically feasible.

  5. china are buying all the paper they can get their hands on, the price is rocketing. but you need a big yard, skips etc. it is big business now.

  6. I know items that can be recycled like plastic, batteries, glass bottles, asbestos, building materials, clinical waste, composting, computers, electrical equipment, furniture, glass, metal, paint/oil, paper, printer catridges, recycling banks, textiles, vehicles and wood.. you can use this to widen your range or recycled items. I hope this helps.

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