
I want to organise a charity event for Wateraid and would like to organise a festival, with performances..?

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I want to organise a charity event for Wateraid and would like to organise a festival, with performances,stalls the whole thing

I know that planning events needs time so that it is why i wanted to do it after the summer, when the new school year begins.

But the thing is i need so advice on what to do?

I wanted a performance from a celebrity? Does anyone know how i can get this to happen? And how can i get money to get all equipment,stage etc etc

any help would be great!





  1. You need to contact wateraid first of all as they will not want their charity's good name used by just anyone. They will have a message they want to put out and will probably be able to supply materials and even put you in touch with celebs who support their cause.

  2. Firstly consult the charity.

    Second if they give the go ahead, you will need to think what celebs you want to invite, and know how to get hold of them. I do a lot of work in this area and have found it can be murderous sometimes and easy others.

    One way of funding stages etc is to sell program advertising space, that will help fund the event, the other is to find a stage provider that will support the event for a cut rate.  many companies will do this, but that said many will also not do it. You also need to consider the following

      Health and safety,

      Fire Marshaling

      First aiders



      interaction with the local authorities.

    My best advice would be to get someone onboard who knows the legal side of whats going on.

  3. I have organized community events.  You are correct in planning far in advance for such an event.  Do you belong to a church?  They can help by offering space/land and wateraid is a big issue one of charitable consideration.  City officials can offer guidance.  Also private enterprise such as a large grocery chain or mall or other resources may be willing to donate once you are able to set a date, get backing, establish location, and the ball is rolling.  Do it now!  You have about five months.  

    As for a lead performer - because this is such an overwhelming need you are addressing, I would email contacts for any performer you may think suitable.  In the email, be sure to keep your foot in the door and ask if there are also any suggestions they may have to offer.  That's a good way to tap into their experience and knowledge.  They will answer.  Off the top of my head, email John Tesh.

    I wish you the very best in all.

  4. Events/festivals are very expensive and do more about raising awareness than raising funds. You will not be able to get things donated such as performers' fees, insurance for the event, marketing, equipment rentals, hall rental, and the like -- these have to be paid for.

    A better idea, since you have never done this before, is to help organize someone else's event and learn just how much work and money this is needed.

    For Wateraid, you can do work with friends to raise funds for the organization, and encourage friends to link to the web site on their online social networking sites (MySpace, FaceBook, etc.).

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